Creating new alerts

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You can set up your website to display automated alerts that notify your users of important information. iMIS has several out-of-the-box alerts already set up for your organization to use, but you can create customized alerts if you are licensed appropriately.

Note: For more detailed information about out-of-the-box alerts, see Overview of out-of-the-box alerts.

Alerts that you configure can contain customized wording and formatting, and you can select where they display and who can view the alerts on your website. For example, you can create alerts that notify users when their membership expires within a specified amount of time OR notify staff when the contact they are currently viewing is not a member of your organization.

Each alert display can have Data sources, Conditions and an Alert. An alert display must define an Alert; Data sources and Conditions are optional.

Note: This is a licensed feature. For more information, contact your AiSP or ASI Technical Support.