Formatting alerts


You can further customize your alerts by adding images, links, CSS classes, and more.

Do the following to format an alert:

  1. (optional) To insert icons in an alert, use the Image Manager.
  2. (optional) To insert fields from the selected Data sources into the alert, use the Insert data source field drop-down.
  3. (optional) To include repeating data from a data source in the alert, use the {foreach} placeholder. See Using the foreach placeholder for more information on the {foreach} placeholder.
  4. (optional) You can use the Apply CSS Class drop-down to apply styling and formatting to specific portions of the alert message. Select the area you want to style and choose a CSS class from the drop-down.
  5. (optional) To insert a link to a content record in the message, use the Insert link drop-down to select Alert link.
  6. (optional) To create a second version of the alert that only displays when a contact views their own record, select Display personalized message if a contact is viewing their own record. Enter and format a Personalized message. For example, you might want a membership renewal alert to use different wording when displayed to a contact (“John Smith's birthday is today.”) than when displayed to a staff user (“Happy Birthday John Smith!”).