Creating alert tasks and sets

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Alerts are made up of a series of tasks that can then be grouped into an alert set that displays to users.

Understanding alert tasks

To generate alerts, you need to create alert tasks. For each task, define Conditions and an Alert.

The Conditions determine which records qualify for the alert. This is where you specify query data sources.

The Alert is the text, images, links, and buttons that comprise the alert. When the data sources return records, the task generates the Alert.

You can create a task that displays a predefined alert on your website when specified conditions are met. Conditions instruct the task to run only when records are returned by selected data sources, filtering when the alert displays. If needed, you can specify a personalized alert message to display to a user signed in as themselves.

Understanding alert sets

To display the alert messages, you must group these tasks into sets.

The individual alerts are not added to content records, rather, an alert set is added to a content record, and then the content record displays all alerts belonging to that set.

Alert sets are groups of alert tasks that you want to display as a group to users. For example, you might want to create separate alert sets for staff alerts and member alerts.

The alert set determines the order that the alerts display on the web page, so you should confirm that your alert tasks are in the correct order within the set.

Note: You must configure an Alert Display content item to display the alert set. See Alert Display for more information.