Fundraising reports
All reports in the Staff site are created using either IQA, or an extension of Microsoft called SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). There are also reports that combine IQA and SSRS, where the IQA is used to define and pull the data, while SSRS is used to define the layout of the report.
You can run out-of-the-box reports on a variety of data within iMIS. Using an IQA or SSRS report is how you can get report data on the web.
You may in certain situations want to modify an existing SSRS report. To add or remove information from the report, you must download its RDL file and make adjustments to the SQL that the report uses. For more information about modifying a report, see Modifying and creating reports.
Note: Printing a report using IE11 requires that the browser be in Enterprise Mode. Contact Tech Support for assistance.
Note: To print a report, export the report using the PDF or Excel buttons, then print the exported report.
In the out-of-the-box Fundraising reports, a gift is considered to be any purchase of an item that is marked as a Charitable item.
To access Fundraising reports go to Reports > Fundraising reports:

Transaction-based report which gives a detailed listing of all of the gift and pledge activities related to each campaign for a given period of time.

Prints a fundraising profile for the selected contact including gifts, pledges, soft credits, yearly summaries, and relationships. Uses multiple subreports.

Prints a grid of the number of donors and donor renewals (donors that gave in the previous year and again this year) for the past five calendar years. Categorized by New Donors, Established Donors, and Total.

Prints a grid of the number of donors and donor renewals (donors who gave in the previous fiscal year and again this fiscal year) for the past 5 fiscal years. Categorized by New Donors, Established Donors, and Total Donor Statistics.

Compares gifts by donor across two specified calendar years, and Year One should be earlier than Year Two. Donors are included only if they donated in one of the specified years.

Compares gifts by donor across 2 specified fiscal years where Year 1 is earlier than Year 2. Donors are included only if they gave in one of the specified fiscal years. Optionally filter by gift amounts in either year.

Total gift amounts for the specified date range with Fair Market Value and Eligible Amount for Receiptable and Non-Receiptable gifts, broken out by payment method. Gifts with voided receipts are excluded. Optionally filter by one or more payment methods, or by Individuals or Organizations. This report can be used to report on total gift amounts for tax reporting purposes, with the ability to break out the totals by receiptable vs. non-receiptable gifts, In Kind vs. non-In Kind gifts, and gifts by Individuals vs. Organizations.

Provides a detailed listing of all the Gift and Pledge Activities related to each Fund for a given period of time.

Comprehensive summary of Fund results and statistics for a specified date range. Provides a snapshot of each Fund with a summary of number of donors, number of gifts, and amount for Gifts and Pledges separately.

Provides details for each Gift from Fundraising, Events, and Dues, grouped by donor.

Provides a detailed listing of all the gift and pledge activities related to each gift item for a given period of time, grouped by campaign and source code.

Provides a detailed listing of all the gift and pledge activities related to each gift item for a given period of time.

Comprehensive summary of gift item results and statistics for a specified date range. Provides a snapshot of each gift item with a summary of number of donors, number of gifts, and amount for gifts and pledges separately. Split gifts created in iMIS Desktop are not included.

Comprehensive summary for the specified campaign with Gift and Pledge range statistics and summary information. Includes summary by appeal, frequency range analysis, financial results and donor statistics. Based on legacy campaign data. To access this report, go to Reports > Fundraising reports, then open the Legacy folder.

Lists donors who made donations during a given time frame but have not given since that time frame (Last Year But Unfortunately Not This Year). Includes information about the last gift, and the total count and amount of lifetime gifts.

Details all gifts from charitable events, grouped by event and transaction date.

Summarizes all gifts from charitable events by date, grouped by event.

Lists all gifts given as a memorial or tribute to someone, grouped by the honoree. Includes the total number of donors, gifts and gift amount for each honoree, as well as detail rows for each donor and gift amount.

Lists gifts which are given as a tribute to someone, including the tribute type, honoree, message and notify contact. Can be filtered by gift date or amount, donor, honoree or notify contact.

Lists all the gifts, pledges, and total donation amounts for each month in a calendar year.

Lists all the Gifts, Pledges and total donation amounts for each Fiscal month in a Fiscal year based on the date range entered.

Prints a list of the outstanding amount for all pledges, grouped by fund. Optional parameter to exclude pledges before a specified date.

Prints a list of the past-due amount for all pledges, grouped by fund. For non-Fundraising system pledges, the due date is considered to be 30 days after the transaction date.

Details all pledges and installments entered, subtotaled by date and totaled per report.

Provides a summary of all pledge amounts, total amount paid, and the total outstanding balance for each donor, as well as the amount of expected pledge payments broken into each year.

Lists event gift details by donor across two specified time periods, displaying the difference in amounts and percentage of change.

Lists gift details by donor across two specified time periods, displaying the difference in amounts and percentage of change.

Compares the total gift amount per donor across two specified time periods, displaying the difference in amounts and percentage of change.

List of soft credits for donations grouped by campaign and donor.

Provides a detailed listing of all the Gift and Pledge Activities related to each Source Code for a given period of time.

Comprehensive summary of source code results and statistics. Provides a snapshot of each source code with a summary of number of donors, number of gifts, and amount for Gifts and Pledges separately.

Lists donors who made donations Some Year But Unfortunately Not This Year. Donors will be included if their last gift was more than two years prior to the run date of the report (based on calendar year; fiscal year is not taken into consideration).

Prints a list of the top donors based on their gift amounts (including pledge payments) for the specified date range. User can select the number of donors to return, up to a maximum of 100 donors. This list can be filtered by donors only or organizations only.

Prints a grid of gift counts and totals for the current year and the preceding four calendar years. Categorized by New Donors (the year the donor made their first contribution), Established Donors, and Total.

Prints a grid of gift and pledge counts and totals for the current fiscal year and the preceding four fiscal years. Categorized by New Donors (the fiscal year the donor made their first contribution), Established Donors, and Total Donor statistics.