Configuring content items
Content item configurations allow you to:
- Define how the content item will behave.
- Control how much access you want end users to have.
- Hide configuration details from end users; two instances of the same content item with different configurations can appear as two different controls to the end user.
- Allow users to edit on a staff-facing site, but display the data in read-only mode on a public-facing site
- Use multiple instances of a content item on one page to access different sets of data
Note: For more information about the content items available in iMIS, see the various content item galleries.

The following information can help you use dynamic content items.

Do the following to create a new web page containing one or more content items:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Select New > Website Content.
- Select Add content and select the desired content item from the Content Gallery.
- Enter the applicable information and select the desired options.
- Click OK.
- Click Save and then Publish.
- From RiSE > Site Builder > Manage sitemaps, create new website navigation.
- Click Publish.
Note: For more information about the specific configuration options available for each content item, refer to the in-product help.
Note: See Sitemaps and navigation items for more information about creating navigations for your site.
Note: If no owner is specified for the content block, the default organization displays as the owner.

All iMIS sample sites are prepopulated with content. Do the following to add content to an existing web page:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Select the content record and click Edit.
- Select Add content to open the Content Gallery window.
- Navigate to the folder that contains the content item you want to add, select the desired content item and click OK.
- Configure the content item by entering applicable information and select the desired options.
- Click OK.
- Click Save and then Publish.
Note: For more information about the specific configuration options available for each content item, refer to the in-product help.

User content areas are created by using content items which can be configured to allow a user to post content on the web. Examples of this user-generated content include forums, message boards, or blogs.
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Create a content record.
- Select the Content Block content item from the Content Gallery.
- Enter the applicable information and select the desired options. See the help file for details.
- Click OK.
- Add additional content to page, if desired.
- Click Saveand thenPublish.
- Go to RiSE > Site Builder > Manage sitemaps.
- Create a navigation.
- Click Publish. The page displays as configured with an area dedicated to user content entry directly on the page.
Note: See Sitemaps and navigation items for details. Note that if no owner is specified for the content block, the default organization displays as the owner.

Content items have the following different views:
- Design-time view - What you see in a content record when you add and configure a content item.
- Run-time view - What an end-user sees when viewing the content item within your website. This might differ from what you see in the Design-time view, because some content items have a different behavior after you publish the content.

If you place more than one content item on a page, you might need to specify the order in which actions occur on that page. The commit sequence function allows you to explicitly define the execution order of multiple content items in a content record.
You can define a commit sequence value for the processing order of each content item relative to the other content items in the same content record. The commit sequence value must be zero or greater. Content items with a value of zero (the default) are processed after any other content item with a non-zero commit sequence value that are in the same content record.
Setting a commit sequence is only required in a few scenarios and is noted in the content item’s configuration help if needed.

Review the following information for troubleshooting tips:

Occasionally, a content item might fail. However, it will fail gracefully in place, without disabling the whole page. Typically, a problem-loading error results from some kind of bad data. By default, iMIS hides the error details.
Contact your host for assistance modifying settings controlling this error logging .

When editing an out-of-the-box content record, you might see a message that says a certain content item is hidden:
This content item is hidden because the following setting is set to false: [Setting name]
This content item is hidden because you are not licensed for the following features: [feature license key names here]
Note: Turn this specific setting on in order to view this content item.
Note: In order to have access to items that require a license key, you must contact your AiSP or ASI Technical Support.

Most security is defined at the content record level within iMIS. You can choose that different content items display for different users. For example, an unauthorized user might see the description of a Special Interest Group, but a signed-in member might see the roster for the group and a staff person might have the privilege to add, edit, or delete the group.

Many content items allow you to change the content they display based on the value of a URL parameter. This gives you the freedom to create a single content record. This record can be reused and the display can be changed based on a value sent in a link to the page. For example, instead of creating a new content record for every event, you can reuse a single content record that displays different event information based on the EventKey value in the URL.
Parameter values are passed to content items from a several types of sources:
- Search result links
- IQA query links
- Navigation items
- Relative links
- Absolute links
For any content item that allows URL parameters to be passed, see the configuration help file for detailed instructions.
Note: If multiple values are sent to a page for a single URL parameter, the first parameter value wins. For example, if the URL pointing to the Event Display content item is https://example/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=SPR12&EventKey=FALL12, only the SPR12 event displays.
Note: URL parameters set by navigation items cannot be manually overridden in the URL. A user cannot change the parameter value in the URL to display different content.

The Style Guide in the Member Responsive, and Donor and Staff sites includes a Forms page that demonstrates HTML elements and CSS commonly used in iMIS forms.
If you build dynamic content items that contain forms, you can use the Style Guide as a reference and learning tool. It does not demonstrate every possible form design pattern, but we plan to gradually expand the number of examples.
Available examples in the Style Guide include:
- Panel fields
- Set RenderPanelField="True" on an asiweb control
- Manually create the PanelField divs and classes
- Form classes
- Required class
- Label
- Label positions: Top, Left, Right, Bottom
- AutoWidth
- SubItems
- Info
- CheckBoxList
- ShowFieldset
- [disabled] and aspNetDisabled
- Input sizes
- MultiSelect
The examples in the Style Guide are created in ASP.NET for developer reference. You can see the HTML output of an example by using your browser's developer tools to inspect any element.
You can review the Style Guide from the following locations:
- In the Member Responsive Quick Start Site: Go to Manage > Style Guide.
- In the Donor Quick Start Site: Go to Manage > Style Guide.
- In the Staff site: Go to RiSE > Style Guide > Base Elements.

Many of the out-of-the-box content items are responsive. To determine which content items are responsive, navigate to the content item's configuration, for example, add the Data Showcase to a content record. If the option to Display on screen sizes (for responsive themes only) is shown then the content item is responsive.