Printing trial balance reports

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The Trial Balance report lists customer accounts with an open balance, and provides contact name, company name, telephone number, a line for each open item, a summary aging for each account, and a total.

The Trial Balance report is used as a collection report to locate and call overdue customers. It lists customer accounts with an open balance, and provides contact name, company name, telephone number, a line for each open item, a summary aging for each account, and a total.

Staff users can run the Trial Balance report from Reports (Reports > Accounting reports).

Do the following to print a trial balance report:

  1. Navigate to the contact’s account page.
  2. (Transactions tab) Click View Trial Balance. Enter the following information:
    • Aging Date - The ending date of the date range to be included in the report.
    • Include Invoices - Filter results by specific aging bucket:
      • All
      • Current - Displays the outstanding balance for which payments are current.
      • 31 - 60 Days - Displays the outstanding balance for which payments are late by 31 to 60 days.
      • 61 - 120 Days - Displays the outstanding balance for which payments are late by 61 to 120 days.
      • Over 120 Days - Displays the outstanding balance for which payments are late by over 120 days.
    • Invoice Type:
      • AR Invoices - Filters the transactions to only show invoices.
      • Prepaid Credits - Filters the transactions to only show prepaid credits.
    • Paid Invoices - Select Yes to include invoices with a balance of 0.00.
    • Debit Balances - Select Yes to include invoices that balance greater than 0.00.
    • Credit Balances - Select Yes to include invoices that balance to less than 0.00.
    • Exclude Future - Select Yes to exclude transactions with a date more recent than the Aging Date.
    • Summary - Select Yes to exclude specific invoice granularity. The Summary displays the sum of each aging bucket and overall balance.
    • Financial Entity - Filters results by the financial entity.
    • Member Type - Filters results by the member type.
    • System Type - Filters results by the source system.
    • Future Due Date - Select Yes to include invoices with future installment dates.
  3. Click Refresh. The contact’s trial balance statement is displayed.

  4. Export the trial balance statement to PDF or Excel.
  5. Choosing the file format for a trial balance export

  6. Print the report.