Viewing automatic payment transactions

Training course

Staff users can review automatic payments (AutoPay) to ensure that payments have been successfully processed by the gateway.

Note: As a safeguard to prevent failed invoices from being stuck in the Pay Central Service, the Pay Central Service does not retain invoices without update for a period greater than five days. These invoices will be flagged as Failed to reconcile – timed out.

Do the following to view Pay Central Service transactions:

  1. Go to Finance > Pay Central > Automatic payment transactions.
  2. (optional) Enter information for the following fields when selecting Transactions from the Select a query drop-down:
    • Processed between
    • Result
    • Gateway transaction ID
    • Authorization code
    • Invoice ID
  3. You can leave all fields blank to return all payments.

  4. Click Find. The following payment information is displayed:
    • Payer
    • Date on which the payment was processed.
    • Invoice ID
    • Payment Details
    • Payment Amount
    • Invoice Balance
    • Attempt
    • Result
    • Detail
    • Gateway Trans ID
    • Authorization Code
    • Note: Select the Payer link to be taken to the contact’s account page.

  5. Note: There might be instances where a payment is rejected by the gateway. In this situation, Staff intervention is required to find the rejected transactions.