Issuing and viewing charitable receipts

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Note: You must be licensed for Fundraising to use this feature. Contact your AiSP or CPIL for more information.

Any donation, charitable event registration, or purchase of a charitable item can be issued a receipt.

You have the option to automatically issue receipts as they are received or manually issue receipts:

  • Automatically issuing receipts: There are three out-of-the-box scheduled tasks that you can utilize to issue receipts automatically. You must enable the scheduled tasks to begin automatically sending gift receipts. Receipts that are sent automatically by way of email are logged as an interaction with the donor and can be reprinted.
  • Manually issuing receipts: When manually issuing receipts to donors, staff users have the option to email or print the receipts.
  • Important! If there are any errors present in the communication template, receipts will fail to send. When receipts fail to send due to error, you must amend the template, find and void the receipt, and then reissue the receipt with the corrected communication template. The Receipt logs displays the error that caused the receipt to fail. See Reviewing the receipt logs for more information.