Setting up moves management

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When setting up a moves management plan, you have the option of choosing a Major or Planned gift:

  • Major gifts fundraising requires a highly individualized and hands-on approach. Moves management is a system for planning and reporting the relationship between the organization and a potential donor, specifically targeting major gifts.
  • Planned gifts (legacy giving) fundraising are a specific kind of major gift enabling individuals to plan for future gifts, usually as part of the individual’s financial or estate planning, including life insurance, real estate, personal property, or other assets. The most common type of planned gift is called a bequest – leaving money to a charity in the individual’s will.

Your moves management plan can include the identification of your most loyal donors and the steps to cultivating the relationship over a period of time. This increases your understanding of the constituent and enhances their engagement with your organization so that they are ready to support your cause at the right time.

Moves Management allows you to provide your staff with a strategic process for a positive and rewarding relationship with their prospects and donors. Moves Managers record significant interactions during the donor journey, which helps your organization better forecast gift revenue (pipeline). Since staff are empowered to act strategically, you can meet goals with greater efficiency.

Each Moves Manager (solicitor) is assigned the responsibility for cultivating a relationship with specific constituents and tracking the progress of the plan. In large organizations, a number of Moves Managers might report to a Major Gifts Manager.