Creating a basic campaign

A basic campaign generally includes a few appeals and related solicitations, and likely only uses one or two source codes per appeal.

The Summary tab of an example basic campaign displays general information and performance statistics.

Important! You cannot set up a basic campaign until the following setup tasks are complete:

  • Define setup options for all campaigns
  • Set up security groups for campaigns

See Setting up campaigns for more.


Defining a campaign consists of the following steps:

  1. Planning the campaign
  2. Setting up the campaign
  3. Defining appeals
  4. Defining solicitations
  5. Creating source codes for each solicitation
  6. Assigning the source list and inserts for each source code
  7. Generating the output

Creating the campaign

Do the following to create a basic campaign:

Cloning a campaign

A cloned campaign is an exact duplicate of the original campaign with the following exceptions:

  • The Name and Campaign Code are different.
  • The Created Date equals the copy date.
  • The Created By field equals the user who copied the campaign.
  • The Start Date, End Date, and Reminder Date are adjusted automatically for the copied campaign.
  • The copy has the same structure as the original campaign, including all appeals, solicitations, and source codes.
  • All copied source codes contain the same inserts and messages as the original campaign.
  • Source lists are not copied.
  • If Campaign Management is configured to assign source codes automatically, all new source codes are regenerated automatically.
  • If Campaign Management is configured to assign source codes manually, all new source codes are formatted as 'Copy of (original code).' If this code already exists, the code is copied until a unique code is found: 'Copy (sequence #) of (original code).'

To create a new campaign quickly, you can clone an existing one and edit it.

  1. Select Marketing > Campaigns > Define campaigns.
  2. Select a campaign.
  3. Click Save As.
  4. Enter the new campaign Name, Campaign Code, and Type.
  5. Click Save.