IQA Queries: Best Practices

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Poorly written queries can cause performance issues in iMIS. Not only can poorly written queries under-perform for a user, but they can negatively affect overall system performance, both in your system and for other hosted clients.

Review the following before beginning to create your own IQA queries:

Table 1: Viewing Recommended and not recommended IQA best practices
Recommended Not Recommended
  • Use cached results
  • Relate sources on ID or Key properties
  • Use recommended contact business objects
  • Use filters that have the Add To Search? option set to No or Required
  • Limit the number of rows returned
  • Use Query Menu configuration options
  • Using too many sources
  • Using the Contains filter unless needed
  • Using the Only display unique results unless needed
  • Overusing the Group By option
  • Overusing SQL expressions
  • Displaying large text columns or blobs
  • CsContact and NetContact; instead, use NetContactData
  • Filtering or joining on a calculated field; instead, join on primary keys when possible

Best practices when configuring queries

Best practices when using and testing queries