Gift Aid Declaration

The Gift Aid Declaration content item enable donors to add Gift Aid to a gift so that a charity maximizes the value of their donation. The Gift Aid Declaration content item can also be configured for staff-use only.

See Setting up Gift Aid for more information.

Gift Aid Declaration configuration options

This content item uses the Common content item configuration options, in addition to the following:

  • Commit sequence - Commit sequence affects how multiple content items interact on a page. Enter a non-zero number to specify the order that changes are saved relative to other inline editable content items on the rendered page. The default of zero (0) means the save order is unimportant.
  • Mode - Select GiveNGo if this content item is being displayed on a Give Now page, or Profile if this content item is being displayed on a profile page. Only Staff users will be able to use this content item in the Profile mode.
  • Gift Aid checkbox label - Customize the message that is displayed to users to confirm their transaction. This label reads Yes, add Gift Aid by default.
  • Override default text for Gift Aid checkbox confirmation - Select this option to override the message specified in the system settings.
    • Gift Aid confirmation text – Specify the text to use in place of the Default Gift Aid checkbox confirmation text.
    • Note: If the Override default text for Gift Aid checkbox confirmation option is selected, then the text in the Gift Aid confirmation text field will be used for this instance of the Gift Aid Declaration content item only.

  • Active declaration text – The text that is displayed when a donor already has an active Gift Aid declaration.
  • Note: If a donor chooses to add Gift Aid, this selection is persisted. If the donor returns to make another gift, the Gift Aid option will be checked by default. The donor can uncheck the checkbox if it is selected. After deselecting Gift Aid for a specific gift, the next gift will still be checked by default. The donor can only deselect Gift Aid for a single gift transaction.