Setting up an Order Confirmation template
An order confirmation email is automatically sent from iMIS to the purchaser any time a purchase is made through the Cart, which includes any time a staff user makes a purchase on behalf of a contact. The email address associated with the purchaser’s account receives the order confirmation email.
You have the following options for the order confirmation:
- Send a single order confirmation template to purchasers from all RiSE websites
- Send custom order confirmation templates for specific RiSE websites
- Send a custom order confirmation template specifically for Give Now donations
- Suppressing the order confirmation:
- Suppressing the order confirmations entirely for all purchases
- Suppressing the order confirmations from just Give Now donation pages
- (staff users only) Suppressing the order confirmation on a purchase-by-purchase basis
Defining the default template for order confirmations
The default order confirmation template is defined at Settings > Commerce >General. The out-of-the-box order confirmation template must be tailored to fit your association’s needs before any purchases are made from your RiSE website or on behalf of your members or donors. Once the order confirmation is tailored to fit your association’s needs, you need to define the template as your default order confirmation template in the Commerce settings.
Tailoring the order confirmation template
When creating a tailored Order Confirmation template, you can copy the sample template or create a new template.
Do the following to tailor the Order Confirmation template:
- Go to Marketing > Communication templates. Navigate to Templates > Samples.
- Select the Order Confirmation template.
- Edit the template as needed, for example, ensure that the From address is the correct email address.
- Click Save As and enter a Name for the template.
Note: Be sure to save your template to the Templates folder.
When copying the sample Order Confirmation template or creating a new template the following information must be configured in the template:
- The From address
- The To address defined as
- Type = Billing
- The
placed within the body. This placeholder will be replaced with a grid containing order details such as the order number, shipping address, item lines, and transaction totals.
Note: When previewing the Order Confirmation template on the Staff site, the {orderdetailsblock}
will display an error. This error is not displayed when an order confirmation is sent.
Note: When resending an order confirmation, the CC and BCC addresses are ignored.
Adding ComboOrder details to the order confirmation template
Tip! The following information is intended for advanced technical users only.
The SOA ComboOrder object representing the order placed is available to be used in the order confirmation template using the object name comboOrder. This means you can include merge fields to the template that are included in the SOA object. For example, to display the order total within the template you can insert {#comboOrder.Order.OrderTotal}
. Note that the comboOrder object and {orderdetailsblock}
will only merge correctly when the email is sent from the Order Confirmation Display or Confirmation Display content items.
To display the total amount of the order: {#comboOrder.Order.OrderTotal.Amount}
To display the order number: {#comboOrder.Order.OrderId}
To display the order lines, using the title of each product purchased along with the price of the product:
{foreach line in #comboOrder.Order.Lines}
{#line.Item.Name} - {#line.ExtendedAmount}
To display the invoices paid:{foreach invoice in #comboOrder.Invoices}
Defining the template as the default order confirmation template
Do the following to define the default Order Confirmation template:
- Go to Settings > Commerce > General.
- Select the order confirmation template you created in the above section.
- Click Save.
Customizing how the order confirmation is sent
You can create custom order confirmation templates for specific RiSE websites by creating an OrderConfirmation shortcut for each website.
Creating the custom order confirmation template
Do the following to create the custom order confirmation template:
- Go to Marketing > Communication templates.
- Navigate through the following folder path: $/Common/Communications/Templates/Samples/Order confirmations
- Choose one of the sample communication templates as a starting point for your own custom template.
- Select Organize > Copy.
- Click the Templates folder, then select Organize > Paste.
- Make the desired edits to the communication template, such as the image, body content, and footer content. The following information must be configured in the template:
- The From address
- The To address defined as {#party.Email}
- Type = Billing
- The {orderdetailsblock} placed within the body. This placeholder will be replaced with a grid containing order details such as the order number, shipping address, item lines, and transaction totals. When previewing the Order Confirmation template on the Staff site, the {orderdetailsblock} will display an error. This error is not displayed when an order confirmation is sent.
- Save the template.
Choosing the custom template to send from your RiSE website
To choose a custom order confirmation to send for a specific RiSE website, do the following:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- If you already have a custom Order Confirmation page, locate that page and open it for edit; otherwise, make a copy of the out-of-the-box Order Confirmation page:
- Navigate through the following folder path: @/iCore/Store/StoreLayouts
- Copy the Order Confirmation content record (Organize > Copy).
- Paste the content record in your website’s content folder (Organize > Paste).
- Open the Order Confirmation page for edit.
- From the Order Confirmation Display content item, select Configure.
- From the Order confirmation email field, choose Custom.
- From the Custom order confirmation template field, choose the template you created in the above section.
- Click OK, then click Save & Publish.
- Go to RiSE > Site Builder > Manage shortcuts.
- Click Add shortcut.
- For websites – Choose the specific RiSE website you want the order confirmation to be associated with.
- Shortcut – Choose OrderConfirmation.
- URL or content record – Choose the Order Confirmation content record you just edited.
- Click Save.
Tip! If you wish to configure certain RiSE websites to not send an order confirmation at all, choose None, and continue with the remaining steps.
Now when any purchases are made from this specific RiSE website, they are sent the custom order confirmation email you just added to the Order Confirmation page. Repeat these steps for all other RiSE websites for which you want to send a custom order confirmation template. Other RiSE websites that do not have a custom template defined will use the default order confirmation template (Settings > Commerce > General).
Important! If the website is still not sending the custom order confirmation template after following the above instructions, ensure the website's Cart page is using the OrderConfirmation shortcut. See Ensuring the Cart is using the OrderConfirmation shortcut.
You can designate a specific order confirmation template for donations made through a Give Now page. The default order confirmation (Settings > Commerce > General) would still send for any other purchases made outside of the Give Now page, if you do not have a custom order confirmation defined.
Note: You can also configure the Give Now page to not send order confirmations at all. To suppress the order confirmation for the Give Now page, see Suppressing the order confirmation for Give Now donations.
Tailoring the order confirmation template for Give Now donations
Do the following to create an order confirmation template specifically for Give Now donations:
- Go to Marketing > Communication templates.
- Navigate through the following folder path: $/Common/Communications/Templates/Samples/Order confirmations
- Choose one of the sample donation communication templates as a starting point for your own custom template:
- Donor Site Order Confirmation
- Generic Donation Order Confirmation
- Sample Donation Order Confirmation
- Select Organize > Copy.
- Click the Templates folder, then select Organize > Paste.
- Make the desired edits to the communication template, such as the image, body content, and footer content. The following information must be configured in the template:
- The From address
- The To address defined as {#party.Email}
- Type = Billing
- The {orderdetailsblock} placed within the body. This placeholder will be replaced with a grid containing order details such as the order number, shipping address, item lines, and transaction totals. When previewing the Order Confirmation template on the Staff site, the {orderdetailsblock} will display an error. This error is not displayed when an order confirmation is sent.
- Save the template.
Choosing the custom order confirmation template to send from the Give Now page
Do the following to select your custom order confirmation template to send from the Give Now page:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Locate the Give Now page and open it for edit.
- Scroll down to the bottom and locate the Submit Order Button Link content item.
- Select Configure.
- Make note of the content record defined in the URL for order confirmation field. This is the page that must be edited to point to the custom order confirmation template.
- Close the Give Now page and navigate to the content record that is defined in the URL for order confirmation field.
- Open the page for edit and locate the Confirmation Display content item.
- Select Configure.
- From the Order confirmation email field, select Custom.
- From the Custom order confirmation template field, choose the custom order confirmation template you created for the Give Now page.
- Click OK, then click Save & Publish.
Out-of-the-box, the Give Now page is pointing to the ~/DonationThankYou shortcut, which is pointing to the Donation Thank You Page.
Note: You may want to use this shortcut if you have multiple Give Now pages on your website. Update the DonationThankYou shortcut (RiSE > Site Builder > Manage shortcuts) with your custom content and replace the URL for order confirmation content with ~/DonationThankYou.
Tip! If you wish to not send an order confirmation at all after a donor submits their donation from the Give Now page, choose None here and continue with the remaining steps.
When donations are made from your custom Give Now page, the donor is sent the order confirmation template specifically created for Give Now donations.
If the website is not sending the custom order confirmation template, ensure the website's Cart page is using the OrderConfirmation shortcut:
- Navigate to the website that should be sending the custom order confirmation template.
- Click the Cart icon.
- Enable Easy Edit.
- Hover over the Submit Order Button Link content item, then click Configure.
- Review the URL for order confirmation field. If this field is not using the ~/OrderConfirmation shortcut, update it now to use the shortcut.
- Click Save & Publish.
- Repeat this process for all websites using a custom order confirmation shortcut.
Suppressing the order confirmation email from sending
To suppress order confirmations per purchase, you must be a staff user with Orders: 4 module authorization level or higher. Public users do not have the option to suppress the order confirmation.
Suppressing the order confirmation for a single purchase happens in the Cart before the purchase is submitted. Directly above the Submit Order button in the Cart, there is a Suppress the order confirmation email checkbox. When enabled, the order confirmation email does not send to the purchaser.
From the Staff site, the staff user still sees an Order confirmation page, but there is a message that says the order confirmation email was not sent. There is still an option to send an order confirmation email, if the checkbox was incorrectly enabled or if you need to send the confirmation to a different email address, such as a staff user.
Do the following to suppress the order confirmation from sending after a donor submits a donation from the Give Now page:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Locate the Give Now page and open it for edit.
- Scroll down to the bottom and locate the Submit Order Button Link content item.
- Select Configure.
- Make note of the content record defined in the URL for order confirmation field. This is the page that must be edited.
- Out-of-the-box, the Give Now page is pointing to the ~/DonationThankYou shortcut, which is pointing to the Donation Thank You Page.
- Close the Give Now page and navigate to the content record that is defined in the URL for order confirmation field.
- Open the page for edit and locate the Confirmation Display content item.
- Select Configure.
- From the Order confirmation email field, select None.
- Click OK, then click Save & Publish.
Tip! You may want to use this shortcut if you have multiple Give Now pages on your website. Update the DonationThankYou shortcut (RiSE > Site Builder > Manage shortcuts) with your custom content and replace the URL for order confirmation field content with ~/DonationThankYou.
When donations are made from your custom Give Now page, the donor is not sent an order confirmation email.
If you do not want the order confirmation to send at all, do the following:
- Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
- Navigate through the following folder path: @/iCore/Store/StoreLayouts
- Select the Order Confirmation content record, then hover over Organize and click Copy.
- Paste (Organize > Paste) the Order Confirmation content record in a Shared Content folder, or any non-system folder.
- Open the copied content for edit.
- From the Order Confirmation Display content item, select Configure.
- From the Order confirmation email field, choose None.
- Click OK, then click Save & Publish.
- Go to RiSE > Site Builder > Manage shortcuts.
- In the Shortcut contains field, enter OrderConfirmation.
- Select the edit icon for the AllSitesOrderConfirmation shortcut.
- Choose the content record you previously edited.
- Click Update.
Note: The out-of-the-box Cart page uses this shortcut for the Submit Order button (Submit Order Button Link content item). If you are using a custom Cart page, you must ensure the Submit Button is using the OrderConfirmation shortcut, and if it is not, you must update the shortcut that the button is using to the content record you previously edited.
Order confirmation will not send going forward for any purchase, for both the Staff site and all public sites.
The Suppress the order confirmation checkbox will still appear in the Cart, even if the order confirmation is configured to not send for any purchase. You do not need to enable this checkbox for order confirmations to not send.
Resending an order confirmation email
Do the following to resend the order confirmation email:
- Navigate to the contact's account page.
- Click the Participation tab.
- From the Communications area, locate the order confirmation email.
- Select the Subject link.
- From the Message window, verify the email address is correct, then click Send.