Adjusting the amount and collection date for recurring donations

This article covers the adjustments available specifically for recurring donations, which include:

For information on viewing and cancelling recurring donations, see Viewing and cancelling AutoPay enrollments.

Changing a donation amount

Recurring donors can change the amount of an active recurring donation. Staff users can allow non-staff recurring donors to update their donation amount by enabling this option from the Staff site (Settings > Finance > Automatic payments). Staff and non-staff users can view recurring donations from the Giving tab.

Note: When the recurring donation amount is adjusted, the new amount will be applied to future payments; it does not affect past payments.

To update the recurring donation from the contact’s account page, do the following:

  1. Go to the contact's account page and click the Giving tab.
  2. Select the recurring donation for which you want to adjust the amount.
  3. Select View donation.
  4. Selecting View donation from the donation tab of a contact account page

  5. Enter the new Amount.
  6. Click Save.

Viewing a recurring doantion

Changing the collection day for a recurring donation

Staff users can set the Collection Day to be either the first or the 15th of the month or allow donors to choose a day ranging from the first of the month to the 28th.

To change the collection day for a donor, do the following:

  1. Go to the contact's account page and click the Giving tab.
  2. Select the recurring donation for which you want to adjust the collection date.
  3. Select View donation. The Collection day field will display one of the following options:
    • 1st or 15th
    • Drop-down of days between 1-28
  4. Choose a new Collection day.
  5. Click Save.

Updating the collection day options

To update the Collection day options, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Finance > Pay Central > Automatic payments tab.
  2. Enable Allow donors to choose their collection date, then choose one of the following:
    • Donors may select - 1 or 15 only - Billing will occur on the 1st or 15th of the month.
    • Donors may select - Any day 1-28 - Billing will occur on the date selected, between the 1st and the 28th of the month.
  3. Click Save.