Enrolling a member with AutoPay

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After AutoPay is configured, members can begin enrolling themselves with recurring membership payments. If the member has a join or renewal in their cart, they are presented with the recurring membership options. Before you begin, confirm the following are completed:

Note: It is suggested that a member enrolls themselves with AutoPay, since their credit card details are required at the time of enrollment. It is never recommended that a member shares their credit card information over the phone or by email.

The following is how a member enrolls themselves with AutoPay:

  1. The member navigates to their account page and clicks Renew Now.
  2. From the Cart, the member must select Automatically pay future renewals.
  3. Selecting automatically pay future renewals from the cart when using Renew Now

  4. The member enters their credit card details. This is the card that is charged on the recurring cycle.
  5. The member clicks Submit Order. They are now enrolled with AutoPay.

Once members are enrolled with AutoPay, you may need to perform the following tasks: