Stripe FAQ

United Kingdom Direct debits

When should we check for payment reconciliation? - Direct debit payments take six business days to confirm the success or failure of a payment for initial recurring payment enrollments, and 3 business days for subsequent recurring payments. Be sure to account for these processing times for testing. As a rule of thumb, if payments are submitted every day, check for reconciliation daily.

Where is the BACS reference number in iMIS? - To match a payment in iMIS, use the Payment ID. This value will be prepended with pi_. Further details can be found by searching using this “payment intent” in the Stripe portal.

Expanding the payment details

Is there an alert for payment failures? - There is no out-of-the-box payment failure alert, however, when retrieving processed payments, there is an Invoice Settlement Status column that indicates the status of the submitted payment. Be sure to review this column frequently.

Why can't I resubmit certain failed payments? - Some payments may not be available to resubmit for various reasons, such as the expiration date for the payment method having passed, or invalid security codes. However, if insufficient funds were the reason for failure, once the funds are available, the payment may be submitted again. In all cases, reach out to the affected user to troubleshoot. See Resubmitting failed automatic payments for more.

Why was the Paid thru data updated? - Users are enrolled in recurring membership immediately upon submitting the payment, regardless of the payment success or failure to establish enrollment. Failed payments result in an open invoice. See Paying open invoices to learn more.