Customizing invoices
The content which is used to display an invoice, and in particular the report which is displayed on the Print tab of an invoice, can be customized.
Understanding how invoices are displayed
Review the following to understand how invoices are displayed throughout iMIS and what must be modified when you begin customizing invoices:
- Invoice links contain an Invoice Id (Reference Number) URL parameter - All invoice links use the InvoiceId URL parameter, because the parameter indicates which invoice to display. The InvoiceId is the same as the invoice's Reference Number.
- Each invoice type (source system) has an associated shortcut - All invoice types use the Invoice.aspx page to display the invoice. The Invoice.aspx page redirects to various shortcuts depending on the source system of the selected invoice. When you customize invoice content or an invoice report, you must update the associated shortcut to point to your customized version.
- (SSRS only) Invoices displayed on Print tabs use the Data Showcase content item - Each Print tab contains a Data Showcase content item wrapped in an iFrame. This configuration is necessary for the report to display from the Print tab. If you attempt to link the Print tab directly to a Report Display content item, the invoice will not display. The Data Showcase content takes the InvoiceID and redirects to a URL that uses the correct Reference Number. If you try to use the Report Display content directly on the Print tab, the URL parameter will not match the report parameter.
Customizing the SSRS or Report Writer invoice
There are the following types of invoice reports:
- SSRS - Used as the default invoice report in earlier versions of iMIS (iMIS 2017 and before). This invoice report is still supported and may still be used by those who have upgraded from an earlier version of iMIS. See Using SSRS invoices on the Print tab of the invoice display.
- Report Writer - The new default report used on the out-of-the-box Print tab. With the Report Writer - Premium license, the Report Writer invoice can be copied, tailored, and displayed as desired. See Using Report Writer invoices on the Print tab of the invoice display.