Canadian taxation (GST and HST)

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iMIS supports calculation for Canadian federal taxes:

  • GST - Goods and Services Tax. This is a federal tax and is 5%.
  • PST - Provincial Sales Tax. This is determined by each Province.
  • HST - Harmonized Sales Tax. This tax combines both the PST and GST into a single amount.

Applicable taxes are calculated automatically based on the default Canadian tax authority and customer province. The tax codes for the GST/HST calculation method need to be set up in iMIS before they can be used. If these tax codes are not defined, any taxes calculated equal zero.

Setting up Canadian taxation

To implement GST/HST calculation, perform the following tasks:

Implementing Canadian taxation for commerce transactions

GST calculation for commerce transactions involves enabling the Canadian taxation method option for countries and applying GST taxes to product categories, individual products, and shipping and handling charges.

Shipping and handling taxes are charged in addition to any other taxes that are applied to products sold in the country using GST calculation, and shipping and handling taxes are calculated on both taxable and nontaxable product purchases.

Implementing Canadian taxation for events


Review the following examples to better understand how to configure PST for specific provinces.

Note: There should only be one BASE_GST, because there is only one GST tax (currently a 5% rate). There are some provinces that only collect GST, and for those, the rate for the PST is left at zero, since they do not collect any provincial tax and do not fall under the set of provinces that charge HST.