iMIS Dashboards Overview
There are many out-of-the-box dashboards available to staff users in the Staff site. These dashboards display summary information through the use of many IQA queries.
These dashboards can be modified so that you can tailor them to your organizational needs. To learn how to tailor the dashboards, see Modifying out-of-the-box dashboards.
Note: In order for the dashboards to have an appropriate loading time, some queries will need to be cached. Caching a query saves the initial results, and then periodically refreshes the query when the page is reloaded. To enable query caching, enable Use cached results from the query Summary tab.

The following information can be found in the Community dashboard:
- Number of Individuals
- Number of Companies
- Number of unique logins in the past 3 months
- Number of community posts in the past 3 months
- Number of committee members by committee
- Number of contacts by region
- Activity tasks assigned to the logged-in user
- Top committees by number of members
- Top Participants ranked by amount of committee memberships, community subscriptions, or community posts
- Top Organizations ranked by individual committee memberships, community subscriptions, or posts.
- Several community related alerts

The following information can be found in the Data integrity dashboard:
- Number of individuals missing a mobile phone number
- Number of individuals missing an email address
- Number of new contacts within the last seven days
- Number of updated contacts within the last seven days
- Missing contact details tab:
- List of specific individuals who are missing their mobile phone or email
- List of organization missing their email
- Contact names tab:
- Individuals with a non-alpha characters in their first, informal, last ,middle or organization name fields
- Individuals who are missing a full name
- Organizations with non-alpha characters in their name
- Addresses tab:
- Addresses with invalid country names
- Addresses missing a country
- Individuals and organizations missing a preferred billing, mailing, or shipping address
- Membership tab:
- Invalid products in subscriptions
- Members with empty join dates
- No Company ID tab displays a list of individuals with a text value for primary organization, but no company ID
- Locked out users tab displays a list of users who are locked out

The following information can be found in the Engagement dashboard:
- Total engaged contacts versus total contacts
- Recently engaged contacts (within 6 months)
- Newly engaged contacts this month
- Average score
- Engagement by category (funnel chart)
- Engagement by month (area chart)
- Score sum by member type (bar chart)
- Top contacts (individuals, organizations and organizations by individual engagement
- High engagement score contacts not recently engaged (within six months)
- Scores by component (pie chart)

The following information can be found in the Membership dashboard:
- Number of members
- Number of new members and comparison to last year
- Number of renewed members for the year
- Number of lapsed members
- Number of members by member type
- Number of members by chapter
- List of new members
- List of lapsed members
- Display of recent history
- Several membership related alerts

Go to Membership > Chapters, and select a chapter to open a chapter-specific dashboard.
The chapter-specific dashboard provides counter tiles, charts, queries and alerts related to members of the selected chapter. The chapter dashboard is available to Chapter Administrators of the selected chapter as well as staff users.
The following information can be found in the chapter dashboard:
- Total number of active, new, and lapsed members.
- Total number of event registrations for members of the chapter.
- Total number of chapter members in each engagement category for the default out-of-the-box Engagement score. See Scoring for more information.
- Total number of chapter members by member type.
- Several membership related alerts to chapter member activity.
Several actions can be taken from the chapter dashboard, including the following:
- Manage subscriptions (Staff users only).
- Modify chapter membership details and add new members.
Note: To manage membership details, go to Settings > Membership, and enable either the Allow staff to manage chapter memberships directly from member list option or the Allow chapter administrators to manage chapter memberships directly from member list option.
To customize the chapter dashboard, make a copy of the out-of-the-box content, and update the ChapterDetailAdmin shortcut to point to your new copy.

The following information can be found in the AutoPay Membership dashboard:
- Total auto renew members
- Cancelled enrollments
- Failed payments
- Expired credit cards
- Recurring members by membership type (pie chart)
- Recurring members by region (bar chart)
- A list of recurring members including member name, start date, and member type
- A list of cancelled enrollments including member name, enrollment start date, the date the enrollment was cancelled, and the cancellation reason
- A list of failed payments including member name, the date the enrollment was processed, the enrollment amount, the payment details, the result and details
- A list of expiring cards including member name, the date the card expires, the credit card summary, and member type
- A list of pending invoices related to expired credit card payments
- Alert for automatic renewals with cash billing cycles
- Alert for recurring membership renewal cancellations

The following information can be found in the Fundraising dashboard:
- Total funds raised for the year and comparison to last year
- Total gifts for the year and comparison to last year
- Number of donors and comparison to last year
- Average gift amount
- Funds raised by month
- Amount of funds raised by gift item
- Funds raised by source code
- Top Donors
- Top premium gift items
- Pledges and requests
- Several fundraising related alerts

The following information can be found in the Moves Management dashboard:
- The total number of major donors
- The amount of revenue generated by major donors compared with that of last year's revenue
- The average gift amount
- The number of potential donors
- Chart view of the amount of major donors in the certain stages of the cultivation process
- Chart view of the types of gifts received
- An alert for Recent Major Donor gifts showing the name of the donor, the gift amount, and the date the gift was received
- A list of all moves managers and their number of donors
- A list of all potential major donors with their work phone number, email address, and their giving amount

The following information can be found in the AutoPay Fundraising dashboard:
- Recurring donor (count)
- Cancelled enrollments (count)
- Failed payments (count)
- Expired credit cards (count)
- Recurring donors by gift item (pie)
- Recurring revenue by gift item (bar)
- Recurring donors with expandable detail history (table)
- Cancelled enrollments (table)
- Failed payments (table) with email
- Expiring cards (table) with email
- Pending invoices (table)
- Alert for recurring donation cancellations

The following information can be found in the Events dashboard:
- Total event revenue for the year and comparison to last year
- Total event registrations and compared to last year
- Total function registrations for the year and comparison to last year
- Number of events and comparison to last year
- Top 10 events by revenue
- Event registrations by member type
- List of recent and upcoming events
- Top events by number of registrants
- Top attendees – individuals and organizations
- List of events missing dates
- Future events not available for registration
- Future events not available in search
- Past events available for registration
- Past events available in search
- Pending and frozen events
- Several event related alerts
For each individual event:
- Days until event
- Revenue (from registrations)
- Registrants (registered)
- Cancellations
- Registrations over time (area chart)
- Several event reports:
- Print badges
- Registrant directory
- Registration option registrants
- Program item registrants
- Print certificates
- Planning report
- Weeks out report
- Print ticket reports: Will only appear if Print tickets is enabled for at least one program item or registration option
- Registrants by registration option (table)
- Program item registrations (table)
- Registrations by track (pie chart)
- Registrations by category (pie chart)
- Speaker queries:
- All event speakers
- Speakers by program item
- Speakers by registration option

The following information can be found in the Commerce dashboard:
- Product revenue for the year and comparison to last year
- Product orders and comparison to last year
- Products sold this year and comparison to last year
- Unique customers and comparison to last year
- Product sales by member type
- Product sales by category
- Total campaign revenue by source code
- List of Top products, customers, and promotions
- List of Invoices due
- List of open orders
- Several commerce related alerts

The following information can be found in the Communication dashboard:
- Number of communication deliveries attempted
- Percentage of communication attempts that were sent
- Number of opt-ins
- Number of opt-outs
- Communications sent over time, broken down by communication type
- Communications sent by communication type
- Recent communications
- Preference changes
- Preferences by type
Data integrity:
- Communications sent with no deliveries
- Dropped communications

The following information can be found in the Advanced Email dashboard:
- Emails sent in past 12 months
- Percent of those emails delivered
- Percent of those emails opened
- Percent of those emails where the user clicked on a link
- Type of responses and number of those responses by day for the last 30 days
- Number of the last response type from recipients (opened, bounced, and so forth)
- Number of emails by type and last response
- Number of emails by type by month
- List of each ‘communications
See Advanced Email.

The following information can be found in the Finance dashboard:
- Total revenue for the year and comparison to last year
- Total number of open invoices
- Total open batches
- Total number of open credits with the amount
- A/R aging by category
- Revenue by month
- List of open invoices, credit balances, open batches, and unapplied payments
- Data integrity:
- Review
- Entity default accounts
- Product account codes
- Transactions
- Unexported transactions before current month
- Unexported transactions by date
- Review
- Recent and missing payments alerts

The following information can be found in the Pay Central dashboard:
- Total payments in the last 7 days
- Today's payments by volume and by count
- Total payments by payment method
- Total automatic payments
- Total payments from year to date

The following information can be found in the RiSE dashboard:
- In the Progress Trackers, you can find the following:
- Total number of working items
- Total number of items that are pending publish
- Total number of archived documents
- Total number of recycled documents
- Actions button that allows you to easily create new website content or a query
- Storage by category – A summary displaying each type of document, along with its total size in kilobytes (KB) and the total number of documents for each type. Click on the provided link to view a detailed list for each document type. This detailed list includes the name of each document, its size in kilobytes (KB), the document's storage location, the date it was last updated, and the username of the person who updated it.
- Website content – Queries that display the total number of website content that is either published, working, or archived. Narrow the results by entering a document name or specifying if it’s system content or custom content.
- Queries – Detailed lists of queries:
- List of queries - Lists all queries in iMIS along with their path and when they were last updated. Narrow the results to be system queries only or custom queries only.
- Unsecured queries – Displays all queries accessible to non-staff users that could potentially pose security risks. Each row includes the query name, path to the query, and its security level, indicating who can access it.
- Business objects – Search functionality that allows for retrieval of business objects in any state: published, in progress, or archived. You can find a specific business object by searching for its name, description, or by specifying if it is a system object or not.
- Other – Contains queries that allow you to search for the following:
- Documents secured by group – All documents that are only accessible to those in a group. Includes the document’s name, location, and type.
- Report documents – All reports in iMIS. Includes the report document name, type, updated on, and updated by.
- Search all documents – Search for any document in iMIS in one location, such as queries, images, website navigation, folders, community content, and more.