Organization: Settings

Go to Settings > Organization:

  • The full name of the organization that owns the site

    Enter the name to appear in the title tag of the front page of your sites.

  • The abbreviated name of the organization that owns the site

    Enter an abbreviated name if desired. You can leave this field blank.

  • The default email address for the site:

    Enter the email address to receive all email by default when errors occur in the site. Typically, this email address is for the webmaster and the primary contact for the organization. This email address also receives the order confirmation email when a contact makes a purchase but does not have an email address listed in the Personal Details section of their account page.

  • The default Customer Type to use when creating new customers online (required)

    Specifies the customer type that will be assigned to individual contacts when a new account is created from your iMIS website.

  • The default Customer Type to use when creating new organizations online

    Specifies the customer type that will be assigned to new iMIS contact records created for non-individuals (for example, organizations) from your website.

  • The default Customer Type for event guests added by members

    Specifies the customer type that will be assigned when an individual member of your organization creates a new account for a guest during an event registration. If the type is not defined, the new contact will be assigned the default customer type.

    Note: The default customer type for event guests is based on the member status of the registrant sponsoring the guest. For example, as a Company Administrator, if you create a guest for a coworker who is a member, the guest will have the customer type for event guests added by members, even if you as a Company Administrator are not a member.

  • The default Customer Type for event guests added by non-members

    Specifies the customer type that will be assigned when an individual who is not a member of your organization creates a new account for a guest during an event registration. If the type is not defined, the new contact will be assigned the default customer type.

    Note:  The default customer type for event guests is based on the non-member status of the registrant sponsoring the guest. For example, as a Company Administrator, if you create a guest for a coworker who is a non-member, the guest will have the customer type for event guests added by non-members, even if you as a Company Administrator are a member.

  • Lower case words

    Specifies a list of words that you do not want capitalized. This is always honored unless the word is the first word in a field.

    Lower-case organization names

    By default, iMIS sets an organization name to Title case.

    To override this default and allow organization names to begin with an initial lower-case letter, enter the organization name in the Lower case words field.

  • Automatically capitalize name and address fields

    Select this option to allow iMIS to automatically apply capitalization rules to name and address fields so that the text appears in Title case. When you enter text into these fields, iMIS will capitalize the first letter of each word, except for the words listed in the Lower case words field. For example, if you entered “the university of texas at austin,” iMIS would format it as The University of Texas at Austin.

  • Company sort excluded prefixes

    The list of prefixes to ignore when sorting company names, which can include prefixes in foreign languages.

  • Display dates and numbers using
  • Specify how iMIS displays dates and numbers:

    • The user’s browser language settings – The user’s browser language is used, meaning the dates and numbers display based on what the user has selected in their browser settings.
    • Organization default – The selected language chosen in the Default culture drop-down is used for staff and public sites, and also used for accrual dues invoices. The user’s browser setting is ignored. If you are licensed for iMIS Translation and choose an Organization default language, the translation drop-down defaults to the chosen language if there is a culture match already defined in iMIS. See Language translation for more information.
    • If the Default culture drop-down does not contain the desired culture, choose Other. From the provided textbox, supply a browser-supported language code, such as zh-SG for Chinese - Singapore.

      Dates and numbers will display in the valid browser-support language code:

      Viewing the date and time in another language

  • Date format for GL export

    This field is used with the general ledger export. Out-of-the-box, this field is left blank, and the values default to use the U.S. English short date and time formats used in most U.S.-based computers. For example, 11/16/2022 is the short date format that represents November 16, 2022.

    Formatting the date

    In the Date format for GL export field, specify a combination of variables that represents the short date and time formats used by you:

    • m D CY returns "JUN 12 2008"
    • D m Y returns "12 JUN 08"
    • M/D/Y returns "06/12/08"
    • YMD returns "080612"
    Table 1: Viewing variables, variable descriptions, and examples
    Variable Description Example
    Y Year, 2-digit 99
    y Year, 4-digit 1999
    C Century, 2-digit 19
    M Month, numeric 06
    m Month, 3-character abbr. In caps JUN
    D Day of month, cardinal 12
    d Day of month, ordinal 12th