Media asset management

Training course

A media asset is any place where an ad can run, such as:

  • Print magazine
  • Website
  • Newsletters
  • Television
  • Sponsorship
  • Booth

Each media asset has a distinct name and code. The media kit is a public statement of advertising options, when they are available, what they cost, and other details.

Media assets

Media assets are the space in which an advertisement can exist. Create new media assets when you have new advertisement space to sell.

Example: The Annual Conference event is quickly approaching, and sponsors have started inquiring about securing advertisement space on your Annual Conference website homepage and at the actual event. The first step is to create a media asset for your Annual Conference website.

Issue dates

Issue dates are configured for each media asset, so that you can define when an advertisement is running. A monthly magazine contains 12 entries for each of the months the magazine runs. A quarterly magazine only has four dates entered for the year. A weekly newsletter has 52 entries. Most websites are continuously up and have 365 entries for the year.

Example: The 2021 Annual Conference is three days. The marketing team has advertising space available for booths, banners, and various other sponsorships over the course of the three-day event. The issue dates for these three days must be configured, so advertisers can choose which day(s) they want to purchase for their advertisements.

Ad adjustments

Ad adjustments are an optional step that allow staff to define any discounts and surcharges, which adjust the rate card cost by decreasing or increasing it. Adjustments appear on orders and invoices.

Example: The Annual Conference Website advertisers can receive a $100 discount if they place the order early. Staff must first create this discount in the Ad Adjustments tab.

Rate cards

A rate card is a document or matrix provided by a publisher featuring the available rates for advertising. The rates are referred to as the Media billing methods. Rate cards have different types of Media billing methods that give you the final cost of an advertisement and decide how to charge for the advertisement.

Example: A publisher offers advertisement space for the monthly magazine at a flat rate. The card with the flat rate must be configured before an order can be entered.

Rate card details

The Rate card details tab enables you to define what is available to those who want to purchase an advertisement, such as the available advertisement sizes, frequency, colors, and prices. The combination of these items creates a matrix on the Rate card details tab where the entries can be reviewed and edited within the matrix (table).

Editing and deleting rate card details

The Rate card details tab contains a matrix of rates for each ad color, size, and frequency combination for reviewing and editing.

Inventory management

For an advertisement size or any issue, you can set up how many set spaces are available, so that you do not sell more space than you actually have. Use the inventory management system to define how much space is available on the home page of a website. When placing an order and the maximum inventory limit is reached, a message is displayed for staff users.

Example: The Association Monthly Journal only has space for four full-page advertisements for each month's issue. The publishing team creates inventory for four full-page advertisements, so no one oversells the full-page space.