Overriding shipping and handling charges

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Staff users can manually override shipping and/or hactly from their cart.

Note: Public users will not see shipping or handling line items in the cart if the product is a non-inventory (virtual) item or if shipping and handling charges are not defined for an inventory item.

Arrows pointing to Shipping and Handling charges

Do the following to override shipping and handling charges:

  1. Go On behalf of a customer.
  2. Add the desired items to the customer’s cart. At least one item must be a commerce item for the shipping and handling charges to be overridden.
  3. Under Cart charges, manually input new shipping and/or handling amounts.
  4. Note: Once the original shipping and handling amounts have been overridden, they cannot be reset to the original amount unless the items are removed and re-added to the cart.

  5. Select Revert to undo the shipping and/or handling changes and return them to the original amounts.
  6. Revert to original shipping and Revert to original handling links

  7. Add the payment details, then click Submit Order.