Making a purchase

You can browse or search for specific products and view your cart or the cart of another contact.

Note: If you have opened a contact record, you can click the product name and proceed through the purchasing process to checkout.

Searching for a product

Go toCommerce > Find products.


  • Capitalization does not affect search results.
  • Products are searched by name, the first 300 characters of the description, and attributes, such as color or size.

No search results?

  • Search terms must be at least three characters long.
  • In some cases, searched terms might exist outside of your 300-character product description. To improve search results, enter additional terms.

Using the cart

The Find products page allows you to view, add, and remove products:

  1. Go to Commerce > Find products.
  2. Search or browse for the product.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Click Add to Cart.
  5. Click add to cart

    Note: If any items in an order are unavailable, then the entire order is placed on backorder.
    Staff users can place orders beyond the available quantity for inventory items.

  6. When you are finished selecting products, you can check out. iMIS will guide you through the rest of the purchasing process.
  7. Configure the following cart areas as needed:
    • Items - Adjust the Quantity of products and Update the cart, or Remove products from the cart.
    • Note: Products defined with a minimum or maximum quantity will display an error message that informs the purchaser that the quantity must be within the specified range. For example, entering 5 as the Quantity may result in an error that says, Quantity must be between 2 and 4, if that is the specified range. Public users cannot add the product to their cart until the number is within the set range.

    • Transaction options – Contains the following options:
      • Override transaction date – Enable to backdate cash and check transactions. When disabled, the default transaction date is today’s date.
      • Order type – Staff users with an Orders: 4 module authorization level or higher can select an order type for any commerce items in the cart. If the cart does not contain commerce items, the option is hidden.
      • Source code – Select a Source code to associate with the transaction. The Source code lets you track the campaign or other source that motivated the purchase.
      • Note: Source codes assigned to the hyperlink automatically populate the Source code field. Select a new source code to update the cart and hyperlink.

    • Invoices - Invoices selected for payment appear in the Invoices area. Remove invoices as needed.
    • Membership payment options – When AutoPay is enabled for membership, these options allow prospective and existing members to enroll in automatic membership renewals from the cart when they join or renew their membership:
      • Single payment – Pay only for the join or renewal currently in the cart.
      • Automatically pay future renewals – Automatically pay future renewals with the Payment details entered for this transaction. Members can update or cancel their automatic payments at any time.
    • Shipping details – The Shipping method selector provides the following options for inventory items:
      • Ship to – The address to which inventory items ship. Select Choose another address to change the Ship to address.
      • Shipping method – The available shipping methods depend on the Ship to address. For more information, see Calculating shipping charges.
    • Cart charges – Displays the totals along with the following options:
  8. Enter the Payment details. You can select a billing address that is different from your shipping address.
    • Pay Now/Pay Later – Enable Pay Later to submit a transaction without immediate payment, then enter the PO number (purchase order number).
    • Payment Amount – Defaults to the Transaction grand total. Enter a new payment amount to apply a partial payment.
    • Save payment details for use in future purchasesSave the payment method for future use. When purchasing AutoPay products, this option is automatically enabled and read-only.
    • Note: This option is only available when Allow users to save their payment for future use when making a non-AutoPay purchase is enabled from the AutoPay settings (Settings > Finance > Pay Central > AutoPay).

  9. Click Submit Order.