Applying partial payments

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When a partial (under) payment is received, the payment can be entered directly from the shopping cart.

In the cart, the Payment amount field is editable during the payment process. Staff are able to use On behalf of to apply partial payments for other contacts in the system and public users can apply partial payments to their own payments in the cart.

In order for public users to apply partial payments, you must enable the Allow non-staff users to enter partial payments option under Settings > Finance > General.

If there are multiple items in the cart, the payment is applied in the following priority order:

  1. Invoices
  2. Events
  3. Membership fees (Joins and Renewals)
  4. Standard orders

Additional notes:

The following is additional information about partial payments:

  • Donations - Carts that contain donation items cannot be partially paid. If the gift item is in the cart with other items, for example, an event registration or membership renewal, the payment amount is still not editable. You must remove the donation item to edit the mixed cart.
  • Promotional codes - Partial payments applied to a cart with a promotional code do not affect the application of the promo code. The partial payment is applied to the amount left over after the promo code has been applied.
  • Multiple invoices - Partial payments are applied to the open invoices in the Cart before any new orders. Partial payments to multiple invoices are applied based on the date of the invoice, going from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Billing products - Carts that contain a membership renewal with a new billing product cannot be partially paid. When an additional billing product is added to the renewal, the Payment amount field will not be editable. The billing product must be removed to allow partial payment.