Refunding payments

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This article covers how to process or record a refund:

  • Processing a refund - Credit card and ACH payments processed through Global Payments, as well as credit card and direct debit payments processed through Stripe, can now be refunded directly within iMIS. For all other gateways, processing a refund payment must be manually performed through the gateway.
  • Recording a refund - If you are processing a refund for a cash or check payment that was not processed through the gateway, it is still important that the payment is recorded as refunded, so that general ledger accounts are kept balanced and correct.

System administrators and staff users with a Finance: 4 module authorization level have access to process and record refunds.

Note: Gifts with fully refunded payments can only be adjusted from the invoice and not from Fundraising > Enter gifts. For more information, see Adjusting gift and pledge details.