Module authorization levels

Quick Tutorial Full Training

Understanding the areas

Each Staff access area grants a Full user permission to perform a function in the Staff site. Review the following information to understand what a user will have access to based on the area and level assigned to them.

Security Sets

Throughout iMIS, whenever you configure access settings, you see a drop-down list of available security settings that you can apply to individual folders and objects. These security sets offer you easier control and faster iMIS performance than defining custom ones.

Out-of-the-box navigation

Full users can access the Staff site based on their authorization levels. The out-of-the-box authorization levels can be updated and viewed from the Staff site sitemap. From RiSE > Site Builder > Manage sitemaps, select Staff site from the drop-down, then click the Access settings tab and expand the Staff module authorization levels drop-down.

Note: Some functionality in the Staff site will require you to have a license key. Contact ASI for more information.

The following drop-downs outline the required authorization level a staff user must have to access each navigation item.