iMIS Security: Getting Started Guide

Security configuration settings can be found in various areas throughout iMIS. Granting access or applying restrictions to certain users depends on what modules you want to grant or restrict access to. Use this guide to get started with the various security features that iMIS has to offer.

Securing the Staff site

To ensure the safety of your iMIS system and members, the first step is securing the Staff site. Review the following steps for setting up Staff site security:

  1. Enabling multi-factor authentication for staff users
  2. Assigning staff users as system administrators and staff users
  3. Enabling security queries
  4. Granting module authorization

Securing members

iMIS includes many out-of-the-box features for securing and maintaining your members account pages. Review the following sections for securing member accounts:

Securing public websites

To ensure the safety of your members, donors, and their information, iMIS contains out-of-the-box features for protecting your RiSE websites:

Best Practices

Review the following best practices to guarantee the utmost safety for your system, users, and members.