Shipping Method Selector

The Shipping Method Selector content item displays and changes the Ship To address of the current contact, and specifies the shipping method as it will be used to fulfill orders from the website.

This content item provides the customer with various Shipping Method options.

Shipping Method Selector configuration options

  • Name - Enter a name for the content item. This text appears during design mode (configuration).
  • Title - Enter the text to display above this content item on the rendered page. If blank, no title displays.
  • Description - Enter a description to display above this content item on the rendered page. The maximum length is 5000 characters. If blank, no description displays. This field supports HTML and relative file paths using the following variables:
    • [Website] and [@] – Both variables resolve to the root of the website and contain the website name. For example, [Website]Home.aspx resolves to http://example/Staff/Home.aspx.
    • [~] and [Root] – Both variables resolve to the root of the website. For example, [~]Home.aspx resolves to http://example/Home.aspx.
    • [Common] – Resolves to the AsiCommon directory of the website. For example, [Common]images/image.png resolves to http://example/AsiCommon/images/image.png.
    • [iMIS] – Resolves to the iMIS directory of the website. For example, [iMIS]images/image.png resolves to http://example/iMIS/images/image.png.
    • [Theme] – Resolves to the website’s theme folder. For example, [Theme]images/image.png might resolve to http://example/App_Themes/Orion/images/image.png. This variable can be used to access theme resources such as images and CSS.
  • Do not render in design mode - Select this option to prevent content record data from being loaded in the content editor. This improves performance during design time.
  • Display a border around this content - Select this option to display a border around this content item on the rendered page.

Guidelines for working with the Shipping Method Selector content item

  • The Shipping method options depend on the address to which the item is to be shipped. If an address is for a country for which no default ship method set has been indicated, then the following message is displayed:
  • You cannot ship to this country.

  • The Shipping Method Selector content item uses the Address Selector content item to provide the functionality for selecting and adding shipping addresses. The Manage addresses link on the Address Selector content item displays the Account Profile page.
  • The Account Profile page is hardcoded to the content page @/iCore/Contacts/ContactLayouts/Account_Page. The URL parameter AccountPages=Personal is also passed.
  • This content item uses an application that is external to iMIS.
  • The Shipping Method Selector does not display when a user is only purchasing items that are not shippable, such as an event registration.
  • An item is considered shippable if Incurs shipping charges is selected on the Accounting tab when adding or editing a product.
  • An item is considered shippable if its Item Class, which is selected on the Summary tab when adding or editing a product on the Staff site, begins with SALES-.