Advanced Reports: Report Viewer Options
When creating an Advanced report, there are advanced options (Advanced > Report Viewer Options) to further customize a report:
The following options are available under General:
- Show Grid: Enable to show grid-lines between cells, in addition to any cells borders that have been applied in the Report Viewer.
- Simulate PDF: Enable to have the report appear as if it were on a PDF page when viewed. When disabled, the report still is paginated but does not have the formatting of a PDF exported report.
- Allow Hide/Show Columns in Report Viewer: Enable if the ability to show or hide individual columns is available in the Report Viewer. When enabled, headers will appear at the top of the page. When right-clicked, users will have the ability to hide or un-hide columns. If disabled, the headers are not present and the columns may not be changed.
- Display Column Headers in Report Viewer: Disable to hide the column headers in the Report Viewer.
- Show Toolbar in Report Viewer: Select whether to show or hide the interactive toolbar in the Report Viewer:
- Auto: The toolbar will be hidden if the Report Footer appears on the first page. Otherwise, the toolbar will be shown.
- Show: Always show the toolbar.
- Hide: Always hide the toolbar.
Note: If a CrossTab appears on the report, this setting will not have an effect.
To allow users to select additional interactive filters in the Report Viewer, add data fields as filters.
For each filter added, the following options are available:
- Title: Enter text to appear in place of the data field name.
- Type: Specify the type of ability the user has to choose filter values:
- Single Choice: A drop-down menu with all possible filter values. Users can choose one value.
- Multiple Choice: A check list with all possible filter values. Users can choose multiple values.
- Single Slider: Users can choose one value by sliding a point along a scale.
- Range Slider: Users can choose multiple values between two points on a scale.
- Value Sort Direction: Whether the filter values should display in ascending or descending order.
- Filter Value Format: Select how the filter values should display.
- Initially Display Filter on Panel: Enable if the filter should appear automatically when the report is run. If disabled, the user will need to add the filter each time the report is run.
The Sorts options allow users to change existing sorts from ascending or descending in the Report Viewer:
- Display Sorts in Report Viewer: Select whether the user can see and modify sorts in the Report Viewer.
- Title: Enter a user-friendly name for the sorting category which will be displayed in the Report Viewer.