Modifying the event-specific console

When a staff user views an event, they see an event-specific console that includes the Showcase, Dashboard, Registrants, and Questions tabs. To configure or modify the event-specific console, you must do the following:

  1. Copy the tabbed content records (Showcase, Dashboard, Registrants, Questions).
  2. Update the Event content record to point to the newly copied content.
  3. Update the EventDashboard shortcut to use the newly copied content.

Viewing an event page

Copying the tabbed content records

Do the following to copy the event-specific console content records:

  1. Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
  2. Navigate through the following folder path: @/iCore/Events
  3. Select the Event content record, then choose Organize > Copy.
  4. Navigate to a non-system folder, then choose Organize > Paste.
  5. Navigate through the following folder path: @/iCore/Staff_Dashboards/Specific_Event
  6. Select the following content records (hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one content record):
    • Event Dashboard
    • Event Detail
    • Event Roster
    • Event Questions query
  7. Choose Organize > Copy.
  8. Navigate to the same non-system folder, then choose Organize > Paste.
  9. Publish the content records (hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one content record).
  10. Double-click the Event Dashboard content record, then make the following changes:
    1. From the Event Dashboard content item, select Configure.
    2. Select configure.

    3. Update the Showcase tab to point to the copied Event content record.
    4. Update the showcase tab to the copied content record.

    5. Click the Dashboard tab, then update the content record to point to the copied Event Detail content record.
    6. Update the dashboard tab to point to the copied content record.

    7. Click the Registrants tab, then update the content record to point to the copied Event Roster content record.
    8. Update the registrants tab to point to the copied content.

    9. Click the Questions tab, then update the content record to point to the copied Event Questions query content record.
    10. Update the questions tab to point to the copied content record.

    11. Click OK, then click Save & Publish.

Updating the related shortcut

Do the following to update the shortcut:

  1. Go to RiSE > Site Builder > Manage shortcuts.
  2. Search for the EventDashboard shortcut.
  3. Click the edit icon for the All Sites Event Dashboard shortcut.
  4. An arrow pointing to the edit icon.

  5. From the URL or content record field, select the copied Event Dashboard content record.
  6. Click Select, then choose the copied content record.

  7. Click Update.
  8. Go to Settings > About iMIS, then click Purge System Cache.

Editing the event-specific console

To edit the dashboard, you can modify the content records in Page Builder, or you can use Easy Edit:

  1. Go to Events > Find events.
  2. Open any event.
  3. Enable Easy Edit.
  4. An arrow pointing to the easy edit icon.

  5. Navigate to the content item you need to edit, then click Configure.
  6. Make the desired changes, then click Save & Publish.
  7. Disable Easy Edit when you are finished.
  8. Tip! If you are making many updates, it may be easier to edit the content from Page Builder.