Using out-of-the-box queries: Communications

The following are out-of-the-box queries related to communications, organized by category. Use these predefined queries to easily retrieve communications data.

Query Purpose Location in Document System Location in iMIS
Chart - Delivered by month Used to create a chart of total delivered communications by communication type. $/Samples/Dashboards/Advanced Email Advanced Email dashboard (Marketing > Advanced email)
Chart - Events by date Used to create a chart of total communication responses by date.
Chart - Events by type Used to create a chart of total communication responses by response type and communication type.
Chart - Last events Used to create a chart of total response types (clicked, dropped, delivered, etc.).
Emails delivered by communication Returns data such as subject, date sent, total requests, and total delivered per communication.  
Emails opened by communication Returns data such as subject, date sent, total delivered, and total opens per communication.  
Emails sent by communication Returns data such as subject, date sent, and total requests per communication.  
Links clicked by communication Returns data such as subject, date sent, total clicks, and click rate per communication.  
Progress Tracker - Total delivered Used to create a progress tracker for the total delivered communications. Advanced Email dashboard (Marketing > Advanced email)
Progress Tracker - Total queued Used to create a progress tracker for the total queued communications.
Progress Tracker - Unique clicks Used to create a progress tracker for the total unique clicks in communications.
Progress Tracker - Unique opens Used to create a progress tracker for the total unique opened links in communications.
Responses by communication Returns data such as subject, date sent, requests, delivered, total opens, total clicks, open rate, and click rate.  
Progress Tracker - Total delivered Used to create a progress tracker for the total delivered emails for a specific communication. $/Samples/Dashboards/
Advanced Email/Specific Communication
Advanced Email dashboard (Marketing > Advanced email > Specific communication)
Progress Tracker - Total queued Used to create a progress tracker for the total queued emails for a specific communication.
Progress Tracker - Unique clicks Used to create a progress tracker for the total unique clicks in a specific communication.
Progress Tracker - Unique opens Used to create a progress tracker for the total unique opened links in a communication.
Chart - All events except queued Used to create a chart of all responses except for queued communications, including response type, and total count for a specific communication.
Chart - Delivered Used to create a chart of total delivered communications including response type, and total count for a specific communication.
Chart - Events by date Used to create a chart of a specific communications total responses by date.
Chart - Opened Used to create a chart of a specific communications total opens.
Bounces Returns data about the total number of bounced emails for a specific communication, and includes recipient, email address, and the reason the communication bounced.
Deferred Returns data for the number of deferred emails for a specific communication, including recipient, email address, and reason.
Dropped Returns data for the number of dropped emails for a specific communication, including recipient, email address, and reason.
Emails delivered Returns data for the number of delivered emails for a specific communication, including recipient, email address, and delivery date.
Emails opened Returns data for the total number of times a specific email was opened, including recipient, email address, and times opened.
Emails sent Returns data for the number of sent emails for a specific communication, including recipient, email address, and queued date.
Links clicked Returns data for the number of times that links in a specific communication were clicked, including link, total clicks, and unique clicks.
Links clicked by recipient Returns data for the number of times that links in a specific communication were clicked, including link, and total clicks.
Recipients who did not click a link Returns a list of contacts who did not click links in a specific communication, including recipient, email address, and most recent communication interaction.
Recipients who did not open email Returns a list of contacts who did open a specific communication, including recipient, email address, and most recent communication interaction.
Spam Reports Returns a list of contacts who marked a specific communication as spam, including recipient and email address.
Communication Preferences Log Displays details for contact communication preferences, such as recipient, communication type, whether the recipient has opted in or out, updated by, and update date. $/Samples/Communication Preferences Communication logs window (Marketing > Communication logs)
Communications attempted past 12 months Displays communication details such as subject, sent date, status, communication type, message type, sent by, and total attempted, sent, and not sent. $/Samples/Dashboards/Communications Communication dashboard (Marketing > Communication dashboard)
Communications by type Displays communication details such communication type and total number delivered.
Communications sent over time Displays communication details by sent date, including communication type and total delivered.
Opt ins past 12 months Displays opt in information for the previous twelve months, including the contact who opted in, communication type, update date, and updated by.
Opt outs past 12 months Displays opt out information for the previous twelve months, including the contact who opted out, communication type, update date, and updated by.
Progress Tracker - Communications attempted Used to create a progress tracker for the total number of attempted communications.
Progress Tracker - Communications sent Used to create a progress tracker of the percent of sent communications per attempted communications.
Progress Tracker - Opt ins Used to create a progress tracker for the total number of opt ins.
Progress Tracker - Opt outs Used to create a progress tracker for the total number of opt outs.
Recent communications Displays recent communication information, including subject, sent date, communication type, message type, sent by, and total attempted, sent, and not sent.
Recently updated templates Displays recently updated templates information, including what template was updated, the update date, and updated by. Data integrity (Marketing > Communication dashboard > Data integrity tab)
Dropped communications Displays data about dropped communications, including recipient, email address, note, subject, sent date, type, and sent by. $/Samples/Dashboard/
Communications/Data integrity
Recent communications with no emails sent Displays data about communication jobs that failed to send, including subject, sent date, type, sent by, and total attempts and sent communications.
Chart - Preference changes Used to create a chart of preference changes. $/Samples/Dashboard/
Preferences (Marketing > Communication dashboard > Preferences tab)
Chart - Preferences by type Used to create a chart of opt ins vs opt outs per communication type.
Preferences by type Displays information about total preferences for communications, including communication type, and total opted in and opted out.
Preference changes Displays information about contact preference changes, including contact name, communication type, status, updated on, and updated by.