Using out-of-the-box queries: Membership

The following are out-of-the-box queries related to membership, organized by category. Use these predefined queries to easily retrieve membership data.

Query Purpose Location in Document System Location in iMIS
Total active auto-renew members Displays the total number of members with active automatic renewal enrollments. $/Samples/Dashboards/
AutoPay Membership dashboard
Recurring members Lists all active recurring members, displaying their ID, member type, and start date.
Total cancelled auto-pay membership Displays the total number of cancelled recurring membership renewals.
Cancelled membership enrollments Lists all members who have cancelled their recurring membership renewals with their start date, cancellation date, and cancellation reason.
Total membership credit cards expired Displays the total number of AutoPay membership enrollments associated with expired credit cards.
Expired payment methods Returns members with expired payment methods with details like expiration date, credit card summary, and member type.
Recurring memberships by member type Displays the number of members enrolled in recurring memberships by their member type.
Auto-pay members by region Displays the number of members enrolled in recurring memberships by region.
Membership credit cards recently expired or expiring Lists members with credit cards that are expired or about to expire, including expiration dates, card summaries, and member types.
Membership pending invoices Returns pending membership invoices with payment attempt details, including members, expiration dates, invoice numbers, descriptions, amounts, and failure messages.
All failures Shows members with three payment failures. $/Samples/Dashboards/
AutoPay/Membership/Failed payments
Failed 3 times Lists members with upcoming credit card expirations, showing the expiration date, card summary, and member type.
Automatic payment enrollments Allows users to search for active membership automatic payment enrollments, showing their membership type, status, and payment period end date. $/Membership/DefaultSystem/
Membership > Automatic payments > Enrollments
AutoPay processing tasks List of AutoPay tasks for membership and their status. Process payments (AutoPay task status tab)
Find renewal invoices due for automatic payment Returns renewal invoices due for automatic payment processing on or before a specified date. Process payments (Submit invoices tab)
Find renewal invoices due for automatic payment ALL Returns all AutoPay membership invoices with an existing balance. Process payments (Review invoices tab)
Find renewal invoices due for automatic payment TODAY Returns all AutoPay membership invoices due for payment on or before today's date.
Payment history for automatic renewals Allows users to search for processed automatic renewal payments within a specified date range, displaying member information, invoice details, amount, and payment status. Reviewing payments
Processed automatic payments for renewals Displays details of completed and failed processed payments, including member information, invoice details, amount, result, and transaction notes. Retrieving processed payments
Submitted automatic payments for renewals Shows payments submitted for processing, with details on member name, invoice, amount, and status.
Recently cancelled AutoPay Memberships Returns automatic membership cancellations from the past seven days. Staff recurring membership cancellation alert
Automatic payment membership enrollments Lists members enrolled with AutoPay, with member type, status, start date, and payment method. $/Common/Query Sources/Membership Common membership query sources
Renewals Allows users to search for renewals this year by name, ID, and member type. $/Samples/Dashboards/Membership Membership dashboard
Progress Tracker - Renewals This Year Displays the number of members who have renewed this year.
Revenue last 12 months Returns the membership revenue within the last 12 months.
Available billing products Lists all billing products available for selection, showing the name, type, and product code. $/Membership/DefaultSystem/Queries Billing products
Billing log by contact Shows the billing history for each contact, including membership type, billing cycle, bill dates, amount, and balance.  
Join billing cycles Lists membership billing cycles available for joining. Join Now
Recent renewals summary Returns the total number of members who have renewed in the past seven days. $/Common/Tasks/Queries/Staff dashboard alerts Staff recent renewals summary alert
Recent renewals Lists members who have renewed in the past seven days. Staff recent renewals list alert
BillingFeesQuery Displays billing details for a specific ID, including billing date, cycle, amount, and balance. $/Common/Queries/Billing  
BillingIssueNotificationByBillRunQuery Lists billing runs for membership fees with details on the billing cycle, creation and start dates, unpaid bills, and links to issue notifications. Issue notifications
BillingIssueNotificationLogDetailQuery Returns detailed records of billing notifications sent to recipients, including bill date, billing cycle, term dates, and notification status. Issue notifications (Logs tab > select Billing Cycle)
BillingIssueNotificationLogQuery Displays a log of issued notifications, including billing cycle, communication type, status, and the number of notifications sent. Issue notifications (Logs tab)
BillingLogByBillCycleDataQuery Shows a log of generated renewal billings with details on the billing cycle, accounting method, billing date, count, amount, status, and batch information. Generate renewals (Logs tab)
BillingLogByParty Displays billing details for a specific billing run, including bill dates, member type, and amount for each subscriber. Generate renewals (Logs tab > select Billing Run)
WebRenewableBillingCycles Lists membership billing cycles with details on joining and renewal eligibility, member types, and associated billing product codes. $/Common/Queries/
Subscriptions List of non-membership subscriptions with details like ID, name, product title, status, beginning date, and paid through date. $/Common/Query Sources/Membership Common membership query sources
Invalid products in subscriptions Lists subscriptions with invalid products, showing member details, organization, membership type, product code, product type, and start date. $/Samples/Dashboards/
Data Integrity/Membership
Data integrity dashboard (Membership tab)
Renewal invoices Returns all renewal invoices, including those with or without a balance. $/Common/Query Sources/Membership Common membership query sources
Organization open renewal invoices Returns results to organization administrators if the organization they administer has open membership renewal invoices. $/Common/Tasks/Queries Organization administrator renewal due alert
OpenDuesInvoices Returns all open dues invoices. $/Accounting/DefaultSystem/
OpenDuesInvoicesByBillingRun Displays open dues invoices by most recent billing, including invoice date, sold to and bill to names, description, accounting method, and balance.  
Membership billing batch detail Displays renewal transaction details for a selected batch, such as bill to customer, bill to ID, ship to customer, product, term dates, and amount. $/Accounting/DefaultSystem/
Queries/Batches/Renewal Batch Details
Batch reports window
Progress Tracker - Total Active Members Displays the total number of active members in the Progress Tracker content item. $/Samples/Dashboards/Membership Membership dashboard
Progress Tracker - New members Displays the total number of members who have joined in the past year in the Progress Tracker content item.
Progress Tracker - Lapsed members Displays the number of lapsed members this year in the Progress Tracker content item.
Active members by type Returns the number of active members by member type.
All members Lists all active members.
New members Lists members who have joined this year along with their membership type and join date.
New members this year Allows users to search for new members from this year by name, ID, or member type.
Newest Members Lists members who have joined in the last 100 days along with their membership type and join date.
ExpiredMemberUpdateDetailLog Displays records of actions taken to manage expired members, including user, status, timestamps, number of members updated, invoices reversed, errors, and a details link. $/Membership/DefaultSystem/Queries Manage expired members (Logs tab)
ManageExpiredMembers Lists expired members with their expiration date and status. Manage expired members
Members with empty Join Dates Lists members with missing join dates, including their IDs, names, organizations, and member types. $/Samples/Dashboards/
Data Integrity/Membership
Data integrity dashboard (Membership tab)
Orders by member type this year Compares the number of product orders placed by various member types within the current calendar year. $/Samples/Dashboards/
Commerce/Product Sales
Commerce dashboard
Total event registrations by member type Lists this year's event registrations broken down by registrant member types. $/Samples/Dashboards/Events Events dashboard
Billing History Displays the billing history for the selected contact. $/ContactManagement/DefaultSystem/
Membership tab of account pages
Non-membership subscriptions Displays non-membership subscriptions for the selected contact.
Subscriptions Shows payments submitted for processing, with details on member name, invoice, amount, and status.
Lapsing members Lists members who expire within seven days. $/Common/Tasks/Queries/
Staff dashboard alerts
Staff lapsing members list alert
Lapsing members summary Displays the total number of members who expire within seven days. Staff lapsing members summary alert
Joins today Lists members who joined today. Staff new joins alert
Member dropped or reinstated Lists members whose status has changed recently to dropped or reinstated. Staff dropped or reinstated members alert
New members in the last 7 days Used by an automated task to send a communication to new members who joined within the past seven days. $/Common/Tasks/Queries New member welcome email
Expired members Indicates if the selected contact's membership is expired. Expired membership
Expired organizations Used to alert organization administrators that the organization is expired. Expired organizations alert
Members expiring within 60 days Returns a list of members expiring within 60 days. Membership expires soon alert
All active members Lists all active members with details like member type, join date, and paid-through date. $/Common/Query Sources/Membership Common membership query sources
All non-members Lists all non-members with details like name, ID, member type, and company designation.
Inactive members Lists all inactive members with details like member type, status, and paid-through date.
Members by chapter Returns the number of active members by chapter. $/Samples/Dashboards/Membership/ Membership dashboard
Top chapters Lists all chapters sorted by the number of members in each.  
Chart - Active members by type Returns the number of active chapter members by member type. $/Samples/Dashboards/
Membership/Specific chapter
Chapter dashboard
Chart - Members by engagement category Returns the number of chapter members per engagement category.
Progress Tracker - Active members Displays the number of active members in the chapter in the Progress Tracker content item.
Progress Tracker - New members Displays the number of chapter members who have joined in the past year in the Progress Tracker content item.
New members this year Lists new chapter members for the year with filters for name, ID, and date range.
Progress Tracker - Lapsed members Displays the number of chapter members who have lapsed this year.
Lapsed members this year Lists lapsed chapter members for this year with filters for name, ID, and expiration date range.
Progress Tracker - Event registrations Displays the number of event registrations by chapter members this year.
Registrations for events this year Lists chapter member event registrations this year, including event name, dates, registrant, and registration link.
All engaged members Lists all chapter members who are actively engaged, with details on their engagement percentile, score, and last engagement month. $/Samples/Dashboards/
Membership/Specific chapter/
Member engagement
At risk engagement (no recent activity) Lists chapter members at risk due to lack of recent engagement, including their last engagement month, percentile, score, and category.
Recently engaged Lists chapter members who have recently engaged, showing their percentile, score, and most recent engagement month.
Active members Lists active chapter members with their ID, effective date, and expiration date.
Chapter administrators Lists all administrators for the chapter.
Expired members Lists expired members with names, IDs, effective and expiration dates, and date/name filters.
Future members Lists future chapter members with names, IDs, effective and expiration dates, and filters for the date range and member name.
Search members Allows users to search chapter members by name, date range, and active status.
Manage chapter subscriptions Allows users to search chapter members based on their activity status, with results listing members' names, effective dates, expiration dates, and active status $/ContactManagement/DefaultSystem/
Find chapters Lists all chapters with links to each. Managing chapters
Selected chapter lapsing members Lists chapter members who expire this month. $/Common/Tasks/Queries/
Specific chapter alerts
Specific chapter lapsing member alert
Selected chapter recent event registrations Lists event registrations for chapter members within the past seven days (top 10 results). Specific chapter recent event registrations
Selected chapter recent gifts Returns gifts received from chapter members within the last 15 days. Specific chapter recent gifts alert
Selected chapter recent joins Lists chapter members who joined this month. Specific chapter new joins alert
Selected chapter recent orders Displays orders placed for chapter members in the last seven days. Specific chapter recent orders
Chapter memberships Lists all chapter memberships with name, ID, organization, member type, chapter join date, and status. $/Common/Query Sources/Membership Common membership query sources