Adding a query source to the default list

This article covers how to add additional sources to the default list of sources located in any query definition.

Adding a source

To add a source to this list, do the following:

  1. Go to RiSE > Document system.
  2. Navigate to $/Common/Query Sources.
  3.  Do one of the following:
    • Select the folder in which you want the source to appear, or if you want the source to appear in the top Common section, remain in the $/Common/Query Sources folder.
    • Create a new folder (New > Folder). Make sure Allow only the following types of objects in this folder (select all that apply) is selected. Hold down Ctrl (Command for Mac), then choose the following:
      • Business Object
      • Design Business Definition
      • Folder
      • Query
      • Shortcut

  4. Select New > Shortcut.
  5. Give the source a Document Name. This is the name that will appear in the query definition.
  6. From Related document, select the source (query or business object).
  7. Note: Business objects are found in the $/Common/Business Objects folder.

  8. Click Save.

The new source will now appear in the default list.