Changing zone properties

Zone properties enable you to apply unique styling to specific content items for emphasis and contrast.

Do the following to apply a style to a content item’s zone property:

  1. Edit the content record.
  2. Click Edit zone properties.
  3. Enter the name of the class in Zone CSS Class.

Note: In order to style zone properties for content items, you must be a system administrator or a Full user who also belongs to at least one content authority group. For more information about assigning roles, see User credentials.

You can add more zone style classes if needed, but all tree-named themes contain the following zone style classes:

  • TitleBarNoBorder – Removes the bottom border from content item headers.
  • CCOGrayBg – Applies a gray background to content appearing in CCO tabs.
  • CalloutBlockType1 – Accentuates a content item whose border is enabled.