Managing content set within an expiration

Content records in a workflow-enabled content folder can be set to expire a certain number of days after they were last published. The content record's assigned content owner receives email notifications when the Content and Navigation Workflow task is enabled, and corresponding entries in their Page Builder Task list:

  • Before a content record is due to expire.
  • When it expires.
  • After it has expired, if the system has not automatically deleted the content record upon expiration.

Preventing content records from expiring

Do the following to set the content record expiration parameters:

  1. Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.
  2. Select the content folder in which you are setting expiration parameters on content records.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the Workflow Management tab.
  5. Select an Authority Group to assign a CAG to the content folder.
  6. Click Save and Cancel.
  7. Select the content record for which you are setting expiration parameters.
  8. Click Edit.
  9. Select the Workflow Management tab.
  10. Select a content owner in the Owner of this content list.
  11. Specify a time for the content to expire in the Content is considered expired [n] days after last published field, or specify a date for the content to expire in the Content set to expire field.
  12. Select the Automatically remove expired content? option.

If you receive notice of an upcoming expiration, you can do the following to prevent the content record from expiring:

  1. Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Task list.
  2. Select the content record in Content that has expired or will soon expire.
  3. Click Publish. This republishes the content record, which restarts the expiration clock.

Note: For more information on the Content and Navigation Workflow task, which must be enabled through iMIS Process automation, see Creating and editing scheduled tasks.

Manually deleting expired content records that were not auto-deleted

When a content record expires and the Automatically remove expired content? checkbox is selected in the Workflow Management tab of the content record's definition, the system automatically does the following:

  • Sets the content record's status to Recycled.
  • Moves the content record to the Recycle Bin.
  • Removes the corresponding rendered .aspx file from IIS on all web server hosts to which the content record has been published.

However, if the Automatically remove expired content? checkbox is not selected and a content record expires, nothing happens until the content owner selects the expiration notice in the Page Builder Task list and clicks Delete Selected. This does the following:

  • Sets the content record's status to Recycled.
  • Moves the content record to the Recycle Bin.
  • Removes the corresponding .aspx file from all web servers.