Setting up a custom donation page

If you would prefer not to use the out-of-the-box Give Now pages, iMIS allows you to build a custom donation page. You have flexibility in how you design your donation page, but there are a few requirements that must be met.

Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content, and create a new content record. Add the following content items.

Adding the required content items

The Give Now is required to have the following content items:

  • Donation Creator
  • Payment Creator
  • Submit Order Button Link
  • Contact Account Creator

Donation Creator (Fundraising folder)

The Donation Creator content items is required. Choose how to configure the content item:

  • Display the gift item description: Enable if you want the associated gift item's description to display above the Gift amount field.
  • Processing mode: Select Process donation immediately to process the donation immediately, or select Add donation to the cart to add the donation to your cart where a user can pay for it along with any other items in the cart when they check out. If you do not select Process donation immediately, then the Payment term options are unavailable.
  • Gift item: You must associate every donation with a gift item. The associated gift item is credited with the donation. See Associating donations with specific gift items for more information.
  • Commit sequence: Set the Commit sequence to 2 if you want to process the donation immediately. You do not need to choose a commit sequence if you add the donation to the cart.
  • Item added message (Cart mode): Enter the message to display when a donation is successfully added to a user's cart. This text is only displayed if the Processing mode is set to Add donation to the cart.
  • Display premiums: Enable if you want your donors to have the option to select a gift premium. See Premiums for more information.

    Note: The Processing mode must be set to Process donation immediately for the Display premiums checkbox to appear.

  • Personalized gift array query: If you would like the Gift Amount field to populate based on the user's prior giving history, select the $/Fundraising/DefaultSystem/Queries/ProductFundraising/GiftArray query.

Payment Creator (Finance folder)

Required to allow entry of payment information. Select the following configuration options:

  • Purpose: Donation
  • Display Update button: Disable
  • Commit sequence: 5

After the Payment Creator is added to the Give Now page, it must be connected to the Donation Creator:

  1. Select Connect on the Payment Creator content item.
  2. Click Create a new connection.
  3. From the Object Consumer drop-down, choose Donation Creator.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Click the red X to close the Connect window.

Note: Once you select Connect on a separate content item, the connections for the previous content item are no longer visible. The only connections that appear are the ones for the selected content item. To review connections for any content item, select Connect.

Submit Order Button Link (Commerce folder)

Required to submit the donation.

  • Prompt unauthenticated users to sign in checkbox: Enable
  • URL for order confirmation: Select a content record to display after the user has submitted a donation.
  • Note: A sample content record thanking the user for their contribution is available at @/iCore/Fundraising/Donation Thank You Page. Make a copy of this content record if you want to use it in your website.

  • Purpose: Donation
  • Commit sequence: 6

After the Submit Order Button Link is added to the Give Now page, it must be connected to the Payment Creator:

  1. Select Connect on the Submit Order Button Link content item.
  2. Click Create a new connection.
  3. From the Object Consumer drop-down, select Payment Creator.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Click the red X to close the Connect window.

Note: Once you select Connect on a separate content item, the connections for the previous content item are no longer visible. The only connections that appear are the ones for the selected content item. To review connections for any content item, select Connect.

Contact Account Creator (Contact folder)

Allows unauthenticated (individuals only; not available for organizations) users to create an account when they submit a donation. Select the following configuration options:

  • Hide for authenticated users: Enable

    Users must log in to make a donation, so that their contribution is recorded against an iMIS ID. Enable this option so that your supporters are only prompted to create an account if they are not logged in.

  • Commit sequence: 1
  • Type of account to create: Individual only
  • Note: Only individuals can make donations without creating an account first. Organization must create an account before making a donation.

  • Include option to create an account: Enable
    • Require username and password: Enable

Tip! If Include address is enabled, you may want to disable Use address verification service (recommended). Disabling Use address verification service (recommended) is not typically recommended but may make giving for donors quicker.

Adding the optional content items

There are several other content items that can be added to the Give Now page.

Recurring Donation Creator (Fundraising)

Add this content item if you are licensed for AutoPay. When this content item is added to the donation page, donors are allowed to set their donation to recur at a specified time interval (weekly, monthly, or annually).

Note: If you enabled the Fixed payment terms option on the Donation Creator content item, the Recurring Donation Creator content item is not supported as part of your donation page unless the Fixed annual frequency option on the Recurring Donation Creator content item is enabled.

Select the following configuration options:

  • Commit sequence: Specify 3 if you want to process the donation immediately. You do not need to choose a commit sequence if you add the donation to the cart.
  • Note: This Commit sequence value must be less than the commit sequence of the Payment Creator and Submit Order Button Link content items.

  • Recurring gift frequency: Select whether or not to allow a donor to specify the frequency with which their gift is renewed. Select one of the following:
    • Allow user to specify frequency: Allows donors to determine the frequency with which their gifts are renewed. This option should not be used if Fixed payment terms is enabled on the Donation Creator content item.
      • 'No' option text - Configure the text for the No radio option.
      • 'Yes' option text - Configure the text for the Yes radio option.
      • Gift frequency text - Configure the text for the gift frequency option.
    • Fixed annual frequency: Sets any gift entered on this page to renew annually.
    • Note: The Recurring Donation Creator content item will not be displayed on your donation page if the Fixed annual frequency option is selected. It is recommended that text on the donation page clearly indicates to the donor that their gift will be automatically renewed each year until they choose to stop the gift.

After the Recurring Donation Creator is added to the Give Now page, it must be connected to the Donation Creator:

  1. Click Connect on the Recurring Donation Creator content item.
  2. Click Create a new connection.
  3. From the Object Consumer drop-down, select Donation Creator.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Click the red X to close the Connect window.

Note: Once you select Connect on a separate content item, the connections for the previous content item are no longer visible. The only connections that appear are the ones for the selected content item. To review connections for any content item, select Connect.

Note: If you enabled the Fixed payment terms option on the Donation Creator content item, the Recurring Donation Creator is not supported as part of your donation page unless the Fixed annual frequency option on the Recurring Donation Creator is enabled.

Display Name Editor (Fundraising folder)

Allows donors to specify the name to be listed in all reports and acknowledgments for their donation (for example, Bob and Sue Smith). You can only use this content item if the Donation Creator content item is configured to Process donation immediately.

Note: Remember to connect your Display Name Editor and Donation Creator content items.

Select the following configuration options:

  • Commit sequence: 3
  • Salutation Type: Donation List As

After the Display Name Editor is added to the Give Now page, it must be connected to the Donation Creator:

  1. Click Connect on the Display Name Editor content item.
  2. Click Create a new connection.
  3. From the Object Consumerdrop-down, select Donation Creator.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Click the red X to close the Connect window.

Note: Once you select Connect on a separate content item, the connections for the previous content item are no longer visible. The only connections that appear are the ones for the selected content item. To review connections for any content item, select Connect.

Tribute Gift Editor (Fundraising folder)

Allows donors to make a donation in honor, memory, or recognition of someone (see Setting up tribute donations for more information. Configure the Tribute Gift Editor content item to allow unauthenticated users the option to provide selected recipient information. You can only use the Tribute Gift Editor content item if the Donation Creator content item is configured to process the donations immediately .

Select the following configuration options:

  • Commit sequence: 4

After the Tribute Gift Editor is added to the Give Now page, it must be connected to the Donation Creator:

  1. Click Connect on the Tribute Gift Editor content item.
  2. Click Create a new connection.
  3. From the Object Consumerdrop-down, select Donation Creator.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Click the red X to close the Connect window.

Note: Once you select Connect on a separate content item, the connections for the previous content item are no longer visible. The only connections that appear are the ones for the selected content item. To review connections for any content item, select Connect.

Confirmation Display (Commerce folder)

The Confirmation Display content item is required on the Thank you page for confirmation emails to be sent for Give Now donations.

However, if you are not sending confirmation emails for Give Now donations, the Confirmation Display content item is optional on the Thank you page. Removing the Confirmation Display content item ensures that confirmation emails are not sent.

  • Confirmation message - Customize the message that is displayed to users to confirm their transaction.

Note: You can also add the Order Confirmation Display content item to the Thank you page to enable confirmation emails to be sent for Give Now donations. Do not use both Confirmation Display and Order Confirmation Display content items on the Thank you page together; doing so will lead to multiple confirmation emails being sent to donors.