Open Invoice List Display

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The Open Invoice List Display content item allows users to pay listed open invoices. This content item should be placed on the individual and organization account pages. Organizations can choose to restrict the invoices by a specific financial entity. Once selected, only the open invoices for that financial entity will display. This content item allows users to select which invoices they would like to add to their cart for payment instead of paying for every open invoice.

Note: The Open Invoice List Display content item supports displaying up to 1000 open invoices for a contact.

This content item can be seen out-of-the-box on the contact Account Page (@/iCore/Contacts/ContactLayouts).

Open Invoice List Display configuration options

This content item uses the Common content item configuration options, in addition to the following:

  • Limit users who can view data for other contacts - (enabled by default) If this option is enabled, only authorized users can view information for contacts other than themselves. This prevents other users from changing the ID in the URL to access another contact's data. Authorized users include staff and Company Administrators for a group to which the contact belongs. Disable this option to allow all users to view information for other contacts, such as for a public profile. If this option is disabled, the system security settings determine whether a user must be logged in to view information for other contacts.
  • Restrict invoices by financial entity - From the drop-down, select a financial entity to filter the open invoices that are displayed. Once selected, only the open invoices for the specified financial entity are displayed.
  • Display options when no invoices are due - Select the option to determine how the content item is displayed when there are no open invoices due:
    • Hide content - When no invoice is due, the content item is not displayed.
    • Show empty grid with message - The empty grid is displayed with the No open invoices message displayed in the middle of the grid.
      • No open invoices message - (required) Enter a message to be displayed when there are no open invoices due.
  • Include the following invoice types – Select the invoice type you want displayed in the Open Invoice List Display content item. You can select multiple invoice purposes to be shown on the same instance of the content item:
    • Regular – An invoice created from product orders and event registrations, and for charitable donations.
    • Gift – An invoice created as part of a charitable donation transaction
    • Note: In general, a Gift invoice should not have open balances.

    • Pledge – An invoice created as part of a charitable donation that is to be paid later.
    • AutoPayPledge – An invoice created by the Process recurring donations procedure.
    • MembershipJoin – An invoice created when initially joining a membership group where the membership fees were not paid.
    • MembershipRenewal – An invoice created by the Generate renewals procedure for a membership group.
    • PastDueMembershipRenewal – An invoice created by the Generate renewals procedure for a membership renewal where the billing term is not the member’s current (most recently billed) term.
    • When a membership is billed on an accrual basis, the invoice is generated and any subscriptions for that membership refer to that invoice. If that same membership is billed again, the subscriptions will refer to a new invoice (current invoice). The old invoice, if unpaid, is projected with the PastDueMembershipRenewal invoice type and has no subscriptions pointing to it. The membership has been subsequently billed and has a more recently billed invoice.

    • AutoPayBilling – An invoice created when initially joining a membership group using an ACH payment method where the member enrolled in automatic renewals. The payment is delayed to allow the generation of an AutoPayAccount and the invoice which must be submitted to Pay Central to be processed.
    • AutoPayRenewalBilling – An invoice created by the Generate renewals procedure for a membership group where the member is enrolled in automatic renewals.
    • AutoPaySubscriptionFees - Not available for selection through the Open Invoice List Display content item but appears by default any time SubscriptionFees is configured to be shown. This invoice purpose is similar to AutoPayRenewalBilling, except it is generated by a non-membership billing cycle.
    • InstallmentPledge – An invoice created as part of a charitable donation that is to be paid in multiple installments over a specified term.
    • SubscriptionFees – An invoice created by the Generate renewals procedure for a non-membership group.
    • MembershipAdjustment - Not available for selection through the Open Invoice List Display content item but appears by default any time a billing or membership invoice type is configured to display. This invoice purpose is used when an adjustment is made to a cash dues invoice after it has already been paid in full.
    • Note: The ability to adjust a cash dues invoice after it has already been paid in full is not yet available in iMIS EMS but was available in iMIS Desktop. There may be some invoices with this purpose, if the cash dues invoice was adjusted in iMIS Desktop before an upgrade to iMIS EMS.

    • AdditionalMembershipFees - Displays invoices created through the following scenarios:
      • A staff user updates a member’s customer type while the member has an open cash-based membership invoice. The open invoice is converted to the AdditionalMembershipFees type and remains available for payment on the member’s account page.
      • A member has an outstanding balance for some membership fees. They are billed for the next term, but those fees are not included in the renewal (e.g., the items were removed from the billing cycle). The older membership fees are now available to be paid or reversed in an invoice with an AdditionalMembershipFees type.
      • A member adds optional items during renewal, but the payment must be reversed or refunded. The optional items are then available to pay or be reversed separately from the renewal invoice, in an invoice with an AdditionalMembershipFees type.
    • Note: When an AdditionalMembershipFee invoice is paid in full or reversed, it no longer appears in iMIS.

  • Include only invoices due within [n] days – Limit the invoices that are displayed in this content item. If the Due Date on the invoice does not fall within the date range specified, the invoice will not be displayed. If this option is not selected, the field is disabled.
  • Note: This option is disabled by default. When enabled, the default value of this option is 60.