Invoice Payment Link

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The Invoice Payment Link content item is used to display a button for any of the following reasons:

  • When the selected contact has unpaid invoices that are due, the button can be configured to display as a Pay open invoices option.
  • When the selected contact is a member and is due for membership renewal, the button can be configured to display as a Renew Now option, allowing for the member to renew their membership directly from their profile page.
  • When the selected contact is a non-member or inactive member, a Join Now button can be configured to display so that the selected contact can register as a member directly from their profile page. Staff users and company administrators can use this button to join as a member on behalf of the contact.
  • When the selected contact is a member and is not due for renewal (their membership has not yet expired), but they are eligible to renew their membership in advance. The point in time in which they are eligible for renewal (when the button begins showing) is a time specified during configuration.
  • When the selected contact is an expired member, they are eligible to renew, even though their Paid through date has passed. See Allowing members to renew after their paid-through date has passed for more information.

When selected, the invoice appears as a single item in the cart. Users do not have the option to selectively pay for individual line items within the invoice.

This content item can be seen on the out-of-the-box pages Account Page and Account Page Staff, and is commonly used with the following content items:

Invoice Payment Link configuration options

This content item uses the Common content item configuration options, in addition to the following:

  • Button text - Enter the text to be displayed on the button users click to add invoices to the cart.
  • Button Size - Choose the size of the button. The options are Small, Medium, and Large.
  • Enable staff to cancel renewal - Choose to either enable or disable staff cancellation of a renewal payment. When enabled, a button appears that permits staff users to cancel the renewal invoice.
    • Cancel button text - Enter the text to be displayed on the button users click to cancel invoice payment.
  • Message - Enter text to be displayed above the button. For example, you can enter a message that explains to users what to expect when they click the button.
  • Message when AutoPay Instruction exists - Enter text to replace the Message field text, to let users know that their membership dues will be processed using an existing AutoPay instruction.
  • Note: The option to configure the Message when AutoPay Instruction exists is only available when AutoPay is enabled at the system level. You can configure the Message when AutoPay Instruction exists to include the payment method [0]. For example, if you enter the following text:
    Your membership is due for renewal and will be automatically paid using [0]
    The message displayed is:
    Your membership is due for renewal and will be automatically paid using [Payment Method Description].

  • Choose the types of invoices to include:
    • Standard - Standard invoices include items such as open invoices for customer purchases.
    • Renewal - Renewal invoices include unpaid membership fees and subscriptions.
  • Restrict invoices by financial entity - From the drop-down, select a financial entity to filter the open invoices that are displayed. Once selected, only the open invoices for the specified financial entity can be paid.
  • Display options when no invoices are due - Select the option for how the content item is displayed when no open invoices are due:
    • Hide button and message - When no invoice is due, the button and message are hidden.
    • Show disabled button and No open invoices message - When no invoice is due, a disabled button and the No open invoices message are displayed.
      • No open invoices message - Enter a message to be displayed when no invoice is due.
  • Enable join button for non-members and inactive members - Enabled by default, this configuration option displays a button that allows non-members and inactive contacts to join as a member. Staff users and company administrators can perform a membership join on behalf of a contact. When a company administrator is performing a Join Now, the non-member or inactive contact is automatically joined to the company.
  • Note: If the contact is not a non-member or inactive contact, then this button is not displayed.

    When enabled, the following Join options are displayed:

    • Display to staff users only - When enabled, the Join Now button is displayed on non-member and inactive-member profile pages, but the button is only visible to staff users.
    • Button text - Enter the text that appears on the button.
    • Message - Enter text to be displayed above the button. For example, you can enter a message that explains to users what to expect when they click the button.
    • Content or URL to link to - Select the content or URL to which users are sent when they click the Join Now button.

  • Enable renewing membership prior to dues billing - When enabled, members are able to renew their memberships prior to the scheduled billing cycle or after their paid-through (expiration) date has passed.
  • In order for this option to display, Membership renewal prior to billing must be enabled, and Number of days prior to expiration that members can renew in advance must be defined. For more information, refer to Membership.

  • When enabled, the following Renew without billing options are displayed:

    • Allow for all members - When selected, the renewal button remains on all member profile pages, even for those whose paid-through (expiration) date has passed.
    • Allow only for unexpired members - When selected, members can renew in advance, prior to their paid-through (expiration) date. When their paid-through date has passed, the renewal button is no longer displayed.
    • Button text - Enter the text that appears on the button.
    • Message - Enter text to be displayed above the button. For example, you can enter a message that explains to users what to expect when they click the button. The default message is, Membership expires after {0}, where {0} is derived from Name.Paid_Thru.

  • Enable adjusting membership - (Mid-term changes) When enabled, members whose memberships or renewal invoices are paid in full have the options to adjust and cancel membership items.


  • To display buttons horizontally, enter the following in the CSS class field: invoice-payment-link-inline
  • The content item displays a conditional button to pay an outstanding renewal invoice. When the user clicks the button, the renewal item is placed into the cart.
  • The button appears only to users who have permission to update the selected contact. This includes staff, Company Administrators, and users viewing their own profile.
  • Note for organizations that process renewal billings and use accrual-based accounting: Currently, this content item can only be used to pay for the most recently billed renewal invoice. Unpaid invoices for previously billed renewal billings cannot be paid with this content item. This might be an issue if your organization has closely recurring billing cycles, or if some of your users renew multiple memberships through your organization and those memberships have different billing cycles.