RiSE Settings: Indexing

Staff users can configure the items that will be removed from the search index by deselecting specific index categories. Deselecting these index categories will remove them from the existing index. To access the index settings, go to Settings > RiSE > Indexing.

The following categories can be deselected:

  • Contacts
  • Events
  • Posts
  • Products and donation items
  • Communities

Once the staff user has made their changes and clicked Save, items from those categories will no longer be available in the search index.

Important notes about indexing

Review the following important notes about indexing:

  • You must click Save after selecting or deselecting any category in order for the changes to take effect.
  • If previously disabled categories are re-enabled, items from these categories are automatically re-indexed.
  • To rebuild the search index for Content, you must first contact ASI Hosting for assistance in deleting your existing search index, then republish all of your content using the Publish Working Items, Regenerate Published Items option.

Rebuilding the search index

You can rebuild the search index for all the listed categories that are marked for inclusion in the search index.

Note: The Rebuild search index button, while powerful, is resource-intensive. When you initiate this process, the entire search index is rebuilt. This creates the potential for users to see zero search results until the index is rebuilt. It is recommended that you initiate this process during a period where activity on your system is low.

However, if you need to rebuild only one category, or several categories with many items for which rebuilding the search index would take a long time, it is recommended that you do the following for one category at a time:

  1. Go to Settings > RiSE > Indexing.
  2. Deselect a category.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Select the category again.
  5. Click Save.

This process will rebuild the search index for the specified category only. The rest of the index will remain available to users.