RiSE Settings: Process automation

From the Staff site, go to Settings > RiSE > Process automation.

Important! In addition to the Process Automation logs, these configuration settings apply to pledge invoice logs, membership invoice logs, and receipt logs.

These fields configure the global behavior of the Process automation feature:

  • Number of days to retain successful task logs - Enter any numeric integer value to represent the number of days the database will retain the successful task logs until they are removed. For example, if the value 30 was entered, the logs presently display all of the Succeeded logs for the past 30 days.
  • Number of days to retain failed task logs - Enter any numeric integer value to represent the number of days the database will retain the failed task logs until they are removed. For example, if the value 90 was entered, the logs presently display all of the Failed logs for the past 90 days.
  • Number of days to retain completed task logs - Enter any numeric integer value to represent the number of days the database will retain the completed task logs until they are removed. For example, if the value 1 was entered, the logs presently display all of the Completed logs for the past day.