
Quick Tutorial Full Training

Note: The following information requires a Forms - Premium license. For more information, contact your AiSP or ASI Technical Support.

Because Form Builder is fully integrated with iMIS, updates to iMIS data that are entered through Form Builder forms are posted and made part of your iMIS database immediately. This is a key difference between external form systems and Form Builder.

The Approvals feature is an optional capability that allows you to mimic this type of submission process in cases where your business requirements call for a full staff review and potential rejection of the information that is provided through a form submission. For example, a member updates their public member profile to include information or language which is prohibited by your association's policy. A staff person may wish to review updates to profiles before they become part of the public profile.

Use of the Approvals feature means that any submissions made by your stakeholders on a designated form will be held up pending staff review. Staff need to continuously monitor and approve submissions in a timely manner in order to provide good member service.

The following flow diagram shows you the Form Builder approvals process: