Troubleshooting content records

Use the following tips when troubleshooting content records:

  • You can edit content records with the Easy Edit feature. Casual and Public users cannot perform the tasks described here because they cannot access iMIS RiSE. However, they can use the Easy Edit feature to revise existing content records.
  • You must have some or all of the following content authority group permissions in at least one content authority group to which you belong:
    • To create or edit content records, you must have Content Editor content authority group permissions.
    • To publish content records without requiring approval from another person, you must have Content Approver content authority group permissions. Without these permissions, you will see a Submit command (instead of a Publish command) in the Document system toolbar, which submits a publishing request to all Content Approvers defined in the system.
    • To delete content records without requiring approval from another person, you must have Content Approver content authority group permissions, and you must have Delete Document system permissions for each content record. Without these permissions, you will see an Organize > Request Delete command in the Document system toolbar, but it will only submit a deletion request to all Content Approvers defined in the system. You must also have Content Approver content authority group permissions to use the Organize > Cut command, as this action effectively deletes the content record from its current content folder.
  • You must have both Read and Edit Document system permissions on each content folder in which you create new content records. To edit existing content records, you must have both Read and Edit Document system permissions on each content record. To delete content folders, you must have Delete Document system permissions on each content folder. The Document system permissions from the parent content folder are copied into each newly created content record, but can be changed later.
  • You must have Select Document system permissions on each content record to which you assign tags.
  • With the help of those who perform website management, you must determine in which content folder to create the content record. Every content folder specifies important criteria that define how the system should manage content, and automatically applies these criteria to the content records created in that content folder. For example, the content folder specifies which iMIS RiSE websites the content records will be published to, and also specifies the content authority group that determines the default workflow for the content records, such as who is notified when a content record nears its expiration date.
  • You should not create content records in the root content folder (the @ folder). It is unwise to specify system management criteria for content folders at the root level of the content folder hierarchy, as these criteria would be copied into all new content folders. By leaving the system default values intact in the root content folder, those who perform website management can design a more flexible authoring and publishing environment.
  • Modifications to your master pages might be required if content items appear to overflow the boundaries of content item zones in the rendered pages. This requires modifying the template's master page and accompanying CSS files to make the Home page and interior page layouts larger than their default size.

Note: Membership in the SysAdmin security role effectively grants the full set of Document system permissions and the full set of content authority group permissions (you are effectively a member of a MasterAdmin content authority group too). However, to participate in web-content authoring workflow, a member of the SysAdmin role must be an explicitly-listed member of at least one content authority group.

Note: The Core Content content folder and all of its descendant content folders and content records are protected for use by iMIS. The default Document system permissions for these content folders and content records permit editing only by members of the SysAdmin role.