Waitlisting for an event

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Staff users can add contacts to event waitlists for registration options and program items, when either reaches maximum capacity. When Allow non-staff registrants to add themselves to waitlist is enabled, public users can add themselves to the waitlist for an event. The waitlist option is triggered only when event program items or registration options are full. A message is displayed when capacity is reached, allowing staff users to either add registrants to a waitlist, or continue to register users for the event.

Capacity for an event program item or registration option takes the number of registrants on the waitlist into account.

Example: If the registration option has a capacity of 5, and there are 5 registrants, the event registration option is full. If staff overbooks the registration option by 2, so that there are 7 registrants, it is full - with 2 overbooked registrants.
If 3 registrants are waitlisted, the registration option is full, with 2 overbooked registrants and 3 waitlisted registrants.
If the registration option capacity is increased from 5 to 8, only 1 of the 3 waitlisted users is released (in the order they were added), as 2 of the spaces would be taken by overbooked registrants.

When a registrant is registered from the waitlist for a registration option or program item, the Event registered from waitlist notification system task (when enabled) sends a notification email to the registrant. For more information, see Creating and using scheduled tasks.

Note: Waitlisting can only be applied to event program items and registration options. The event itself cannot be waitlisted. If a registrant is on the waitlist for a registration option, that registrant cannot register for any program items for that event. If registration options are not full but the event is full, public users cannot register and add themselves to the waitlist.

When a staff user adds a registrant to the waitlist for a program item or registration option, an On Waitlist message is displayed showing that the registrant has been successfully added to the waitlist.

A similar message is also displayed in the shopping cart in the Items section, following the waitlisted event program item or registration option. The Cart Charges will display the waitlisted amount as part of an advisory following the Transaction Grand Total. This amount will not be charged until the registrant is removed from the waitlist by being registered.

The registrant will see that they have been added to a waitlist for the program item or registration option when the registrant views the event page. An On Waitlist message will be displayed along with the event details.