Using RiSE to maximize SEO results

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine like Google or Bing. Enhancing your website to appear high at the top of these searches is fundamental and essential. There are a few best practices that we recommend in order to achieve maximum SEO with iMIS RiSE.

These changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results:

Entice creditable and reputable websites to link back to your website

Recent studies have found that the more credible and reputable websites are linking to your site, the higher your SEO ranking will be. Typically, quality is more important than quantity when discussing this point. For the most part, you want trustworthy and prominent sites linking back to your site. However, quantity shouldn't be completely ignored. In some cases, larger sites will reference your site because it was found through looking at a smaller site, for example, a blog.

Offer quality content and services

Interesting sites will increase their recognition on their own. Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than anything else. Pages with at least 1,500 words score highest on search results. Google also cares about site content to ensure what your site is saying is important enough for Google users to find. The more detailed the content, the better.

Write a description of meta elements

Putting a description in the <META> element raises your chances of your website appearing at the top of search engines. A meta description is a content record which is included in the <META> element's description attribute in the page's source code for the content record. This text is not seen on the webpage itself by visitors or in search results summaries, but the words used in the <META> element enable searches performed through the iMIS search engine, and also many external search engines such as Google, to locate this content record even if the words are not actually used anywhere in the visible rendered content.

Other description tips include:

  • Keeping the description to 155 characters or less
  • Using active voice
  • Adding a call-to-action
  • Adding a focus keyword
  • Adding specific details
  • Making sure it matches the content of the page
  • Making it unique

Use keywords/phrases in meta tags

Keywords and phrases are what people use to find your webpage. Meta tags provide data to search engines and website visitors. The keywords should be included in the <META> element's keywords attribute in the rendered page's source code for this content record. These keywords enable searches performed through the iMIS content management search engine to locate this content record even though these keywords are not actually used anywhere in the visible rendered content.

Note: External web-based search engines such as Google do not typically index the contents of this <META> element.

Use images in meta tags

Using images helps visitors to your website understand your other content, especially for those that are visual learners. You can select the desired image in the <HEAD> element's image attribute in the rendered page's source code. This allows the image, along with any associated attributes such as a description, to be rendered on websites when shared.

Have a mobile-friendly website

Google recently announced that mobile-friendly sites score higher for searches. Having a mobile-friendly site means that your website is responsive. iMIS comes with an out-of-the-box Member Responsive site that you can copy to ensure all responsive features are intact. Google also recommends that your mobile site is indexed and verified by them.

Use unique titles for each page on your site by using <title> tags

These are the page titles that are displayed in search results, so you will also want to make sure the title is a clear representation of what is displayed on the page. In iMIS, the <title> tag is used around the content Title.

Using unique titles for each page on your site by using <title> tags

Reduce the size of large images

Large image files contribute to slow moving websites. Site speed is a crucial factor when considering SEO. Having useful alt text for images when they are used as links is also an important factor.

Have a useful 404 page

Having a useful 404 error page that guides users back to a working page on your website will allow for more clicks around your site, resulting in higher traffic. This increase in traffic will help contribute to a higher SEO ranking.

Use Canonical URLs

Canonical URLs are URLs designed to help search engines rank the amount of traffic your site receives through various methods. The Use canonical URLs for SEO option under RiSE > Settings > Quick setup tells search engines to recognize, categorize, and rank the traffic to this piece of content at the same.

When enabled, the canonical URLs are automatically generated and cannot be edited. The URLs use the publish file path of the content and include the first defined URL and website name of the website being visited. All URL parameters are excluded from the canonical link except for ProductCode and EventKey.

There is no where to define canonical URLs, since they are automatically generated by iMIS.

Example: A member visited a page in the Member Site: The member then visited the same page in the Annual Conference Site: Visiting the same page from multiple different sources in one site will have one unique link, but the link will be different for each website you visit.

Example: Members are accessing the member directory through different access points. One member accesses the directory through the home page and another through the membership landing page. The search engine categorizes and ranks these access points differently.

Page title suffix

On the Look and Feel tab of website content, there is an option to include a Page title suffix. This helps users identify the site on their browser tabs and bookmarks and typically is the name of the site or organization. The maximum number of characters allowed for this option is 150, including special characters.

Note: Note: Including HTML in the Page title suffix is not supported.

Viewing a website with a page title suffix

To enable a Page title suffix, do the following:

  1. Got to RiSE > Site Builder > Manage websites and open the website content you wish to edit.
  2. From the Look and Feel tab, scroll down to the Page title suffix option, and enter your preferred title.
  3. Click Save and then Publish the website content.

Using simple URLs for navigation links

An option to Use simple URLs for navigation is enabled by default under RiSE > Settings > Quick Setup that allows for shortened URLs by excluding the navigation path within the URL.

For example, when this option is disabled, a URL for the site might be: and enabling the option changes the URL to:

Note: While this option shortens the length of URLs, any URLs that members and users may have bookmarked on their browser are still active links.

Disabling search engines from searching the page

The Allow search engines to index this page option under the Properties tab on website content allows your organization to either approve or deny search engines from indexing the specific page. This option is enabled by default on all existing pages and any new pages that are created. When disabled, a noindex meta tag is added to the <HEAD> of the page.

To access this option, do the following:

  1. Go to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content, and open the content record for edit.
  2. Click the Properties tab. Note that the option to Allow search engines to index this page is enabled by default. If you wish to prevent search engines from indexing the page, disable the option.

Note: Pages secured behind a login are not indexed by search engines regardless of this option.