Adding notes during gift entry

Gifts can be configured to allow the donor or staff user to enter notes or details related to the donation. When Allow purchaser to enter details is enabled for a gift item, a multi line text box is available to donors and staff users that can be populated with notes prior to submitting the gift.

Illustrating where you can enter notes from gift entry or public website

Allowing donor to enter notes

To allow donors to enter notes related to their donations, do the following:

  1. Go to Fundraising > Find gift items.
  2. Select the gift item.
  3. Click the edit icon.
  4. Clicking the edit icon for the gift item

  5. Enable the Allow purchaser to enter details checkbox.
  6. Highlighting the "Allow purchaser to enter details" checkbox

  7. Click Save & Close.
  8. Repeat for each necessary gift item.

Reporting on gift notes

Use the Gift business object and Note property to report and review notes that are entered with donations.