Communications Getting Started & Best Practices

Use this document to understand how to create or edit communication templates, send the communications, and review best practices when working with communication templates.

Setting up the required communication templates

Before you go live with iMIS, you must make sure the out-of-the-box communications you intend to use have been properly updated and no longer contain sample ASI and iMIS information.

The next step is to update the related settings that use these templates. At a minimum, you must update the following templates and the associated settings:

Using and sending communication templates (emails) throughout iMIS

Out-of-the-box, iMIS ships with many different sample communication templates that your organization or association can use as a starting point for your communication templates. These templates are responsive, and can be located by going to Marketing > Communication templates > Templates > Samples.

For a list of out-of-the-box sample communication templates, see Sample communication templates.

See Sending communications to contacts for more information.

Advanced email

Advanced Email makes interactions with your constituents efficient and effective. It enables you to send email more reliably, track the effectiveness of individual emailed communications, and apply what you learn to continually improve your communication approach.

Note: This is a licensed feature. For more information, contact your AiSP or ASI Technical Support.

For more information, see Advanced email.

Using Process Automation to send emails on a regular schedule

You can automatically send pre-created communications at regular intervals on the dates and times you specify. For example, you can send the following types of communications on a regular schedule:

  • New member welcome
  • Event and product promotions
  • Upcoming event reminders

Note: This is a licensed feature. For more information, contact your AiSP or ASI Technical Support.

For more information, see Sending scheduled communications.

Testing communication templates before they are sent

Testing a communication by sending it to a small group or to certain staff before distributing it to the entire contact list is a crucial step in any email marketing campaign. Review the following articles for details on how to test communications before they are sent:

Additional Resources

The following resources give you more information on other things you can do with communication templates:

Best Practices

Review the following best practices when working with iMIS communication templates: