Interaction Log

You can use the Interaction Log content item to track your organization’s email communications with your contacts. This content item displays useful information about each email your organization has sent a contact, such as Date, Type, Subject and Owner.

To view more detailed information about the email interaction, you can click the Subject link to view the email in preview mode and download any attachments sent with the message. You can also click the Owner link to access the account page of the staff member who sent the email message.

Enabling the Limit users who can view data for other contacts configuration option allows only authorized users to view Communications.

Once you click the Subject link and the communication is displayed as a preview, you can select to resend a communication, or download a communication as a PDF that can then be printed.

Interaction Log configuration options

This content item uses the Common content item configuration options, in addition to the following:

  • Limit users who can view data for other contacts - (enabled by default) If this option is enabled, only authorized users can view information for contacts other than themselves. This prevents other users from changing the ID in the URL to access another contact's data. Authorized users include staff and Company Administrators for a group that the contact belongs to. Disable this option to allow all users to view information for other contacts, such as for a public profile. If this option is disabled, the system security settings determine whether a user must be logged in to view information for other contacts.