Managing activity tasks

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Staff users can assign follow-up activity tasks for other staff users or themselves as reminders to perform certain actions. For example, you can remind an event coordinator to call an event attendee by creating a call reminder activity task assigned to the event coordinator. The activity task will then generate an alert that appears on the event attendee's profile page that only the event coordinator can see.

Out-of-the-box, there is a Tasks panel on the Overview tab of profile pages where new activity tasks can be created and assigned. In addition to this panel, staff users can create new panels with other various activity types that suit their organization's needs.

Thee images total: First image displays activity taks on the community dashboard, second image displays a view of the tasks account page for a contacnt, and third image displays tasks on the regular account page for a contact

Staff users can view tasks assigned to them and all unassigned tasks from the Community dashboard on the My tasks tab. They can also Find tasks by contact, date range, or assignee. Only activities with a follow-up date will be included in the results from either of these queries. Selecting the hyperlinked name pulls up an Activity Profile page where the staff user can review the activity information alongside the contact person's information. A staff user can then mark the task as completed by removing the follow-up date, and adding notes in the follow-up field.