Creating a drop-down menu for a panel

Easily create a new drop-down menu to be displayed in any panel.

Creating the drop-down menu options

Do the following to create a new drop-down menu:

  1. Go to RiSE > Panel Designer > Panel sources.
  2. Select the custom source, or create a new source.
  3. Select Add new property.
  4. Enter the Property name, which cannot include any spaces.
  5. Update the Display name to make it clear and legible.
  6. Leave the Property type set to Text.
  7. Enable Pre-defined values. Select one of the following options:
  8. Click Save & Close.

Adding the new drop-down menu to a panel

Do the following to add the new drop-down menu property to a panel:

  1. Go to RiSE > Panel Designer > Panel definitions.
  2. Select the desired panel.
  3. Expand the source you added the drop-down menu property to, then drag the property to the panel layout.
  4. Click Save & Exit.
  5. Confirm that the drop-down menu is properly displaying in the panel.

Reporting on the property

See Querying and reporting on panel data.