2019: Release Notes
Important! These release notes were current and correct at the time of the associated release and are not updated as new features and enhancements are developed for new released of iMIS EMS. Be aware that over time, these release notes may not depict the latest iMIS functionality.

JANUARY (20.3.40) | |
Community | |
Recording continuing education credits on account pages | A Continuing education credits panel on the staff and member-facing account pages allow staff users and members to view the continuing education credits for a member. If a member has continuing education credits, the member can see those credits on their account page. If the member has no continuing education credits, the panel is not visible to members on their account page; the panel is still visible to staff users. |
Adding alerts to account pages | The out-of-the-box staff-facing account page contains an Alerts tab that enables staff users to add informational, urgent, or warning messages about a contact directly to their account page. |
Commerce | |
Backorders can be fulfilled when inventory becomes available | When inventory receipts or adjustments allow available inventory to fill one or more backorders, those backorders are released. Staff users can also manually release orders with a BACKORDER status; if there is not enough inventory to fulfill these manually released backorders, the quantity available for a product will be displayed as a negative value. |
Releasing backorders after an invoice adjustment | When inventory receipts or adjustments are submitted, product inventory can be adjusted accordingly. If the adjustment provides enough available inventory to fill one or more backorders, then those backorders can be manually released. |
Selecting business objects as the source for a special pricing rule | You can select from a list of applicable business objects to be the source for special pricing rules. When a business object is chosen as the Source, applicable business object properties are also available. |
Membership | |
Updating an AutoPay membership payment method from the Cart | Upon renewal of an AutoPay membership, a member who wants to use a new payment method is presented with two options in the Cart: (1) Pay only the current renewal with the new payment method or (2) Pay the current renewal and all future renewals with the new payment method. Option one allows members to pay the current enrollment with a one-time payment method, without replacing the current payment method. Option two allows the member to pay the current recurring enrollment and all future enrollments with the newly entered payment method. |
Fundraising | |
Resolving pending premiums | If premiums were not processed in the iMIS Desktop before upgrading to iMIS EMS, the Process pending donation premiums scheduled task can be used to process the pending premiums. |
Communications | |
Communications can be resent to additional recipients | Users can choose to resend a copy of the email to the original recipient or specify a new recipient for the communication. |
Updated look-and-feel to the communication creator | The look-and-feel of the communication creator has been updated with tabs, allowing for users to better focus on each part of creating a communication. |
Finance | |
Reviewing pending invoices for automatic payments | From the AutoPay Fundraising and Membership dashboards, staff users can review the invoices that are pending because of expired cards. |
RiSE | |
Client-based content types | iMIS can extract client-based content item .zip files automatically if they are uploaded to the correct folder. Users must create the folder if it does not yet exist. Zip files uploaded to this folder will be extracted and deployed automatically. |
Contact Us content item | The content item, Contact Us, provides a convenient form that can be placed anywhere on your site, enabling customers and visitors to contact you, your staff, or any other contact you specify. |
A Function column is added to the Business Object Designer | A Function column is added to the Business Object Designer. This column allows the user to find Avg, Count, Max, Min or Sum on a field. When the Business Object Designer includes a property with a display function such as Count, that property is used to determine unique results. |
Intelligent Query Architect enables filters for comparing properties from the same source | After you choose a property in IQA, you can select a filter that will allow you to compare that property against another property with a compatible data type from the same source. |
Adding custom properties on a business object | You can add a custom property on a business object. The custom property will be empty on creation, but you can edit and define your new property in the Business Object Designer. Once you add a custom property, an Expression builder tab is offered that allows you to build custom SQL expressions for custom properties. |
Utilities page added to the Style Guide | A Utilities page has been added to the iMIS Style Guide. This page showcases the different utility classes that are available throughout iMIS. |
Settings | |
Batch numbering | A Batch numbering setting is available. This setting enables you to determine how batches are numbered. |
Configuration | |
Importing recurring membership enrollments using the Workbook Converter | Use the Auto Renew Members tab in the iMIS20-300 Conversion- Importing AutoRenew and RecurringDonors data using existing iMIS ID.xlsx workbook to import recurring membership enrollments for contacts who already have an iMIS ID. |
Upgrade Changes | |
Defining the SMTP Host | When upgrading from previous versions of iMIS, the SMTP Host value defaults to the SMTP server (<network host> ) values configured in the web.config files. |
Build All functionality removed from iMIS | The Build All functionality has been removed from iMIS. |
CsContact business object and Bill to ID | The CsContact and NetContact business objects no longer refer to Bill to ID on the Name table (Name.[BT ID]). The CsContact and NetContact business objects now refer to Bill to ID on the Name_Fin table (Name_Fin.[BT ID]). The CsContactBasic, NetContactBasic, NetContactData business objects no longer refer to the Bill to ID on the Name table (Name.[BT ID]). |
Batch numbering | The Desktop option Operator Assigned Batch Numbers prompted you for a batch number when the billing process was started. This function is not supported on the web. Any Operator Assigned Batch Numbers values from the Desktop are updated to the Batch numbering value 3 (Batch numbers are generated based on batch date) after upgrade. The system parameter AR_Control.UseBatches is set to 3 (Batch numbers are generated based on batch date) on upgrade if the existing value is null or 1. If the system parameter AR_Control.UseBatches is set to any value other than null or 1, that value is respected and retained upon upgrade. This system parameter is available in the Staff site at Settings > Finance > General > Batch numbering. |
Member_Control.AutoId | The system parameter Member_Control.AutoId is set to YES on upgrade. |
AngularJS no longer packaged with iMIS | AngularJS has been removed from iMIS, and the iMIS master page no longer includes a source call to the asi-core-bundle.min.js file. To continue using AngularJS with iMIS, do the following:
Note: The AngularJS version must be 1.6 or greater. |
Premium transactions automatically processed to order stage upon upgrade | Previously, gift premium transactions were manually processed to an order. After upgrading to iMIS EMS from an older version of iMIS, all gift premium transactions are automatically processed to the order stage. Before upgrading, all premium orders must be processed in the iMIS Desktop. See Processing premiums for more information. |
Keep me signed in | Users used to be able to select Keep me signed in on the initial sign-in page on a site. This option is no longer available. |
jQuery UI libraries are updated | The jQuery UI libraries have been updated to release 1.12.1 in iMIS. |

FEBRUARY (20.3.42) | |
Adding functions to Business Object Designer expressions | You can now add functions as you build expressions in the Business Object Designer Expressions builder. The functions available are standard math/numeric and data manipulation functions. |
Expression builder tab in Business Object Designer | The Expression builder tab enables users to build custom expressions for custom properties on business objects. Users can build simple expressions using properties and calculations. Users can also build nested Calculation and If then else statements. |
Choosing the paging location for the Query Menu content item | A new option, Pager location, was added to the Query Menu content item. You can now choose whether the pager should display at the top or bottom of the grid, or both. Choosing the Bottom location provides the best accessibility for assistive technology users. |
Default receipt preference | Staff users can configure the frequency with which fundraising receipts can be delivered to donors. This allows for configuring the preferences of donors who do not want to be inundated with tax documents throughout the year. |
Enabling a public directory | A new website security setting, Enable public directory, has been added to the Contact security settings page. When the Enable public directory setting is enabled, the contact Access queries are definable. These queries determine which contacts are accessible by unauthenticated users, authenticated users, and authenticated member users. |
Communication Type Preferences in Workbook Converter | The Workbook Converter now offers a Communication Type Preferences worksheet. This enables you to import communication preferences for members for certain types of communications, and to also comply with various anti-spam laws. |
Enabling a public directory | Before this upgrade, your website’s public directory was always enabled. With this upgrade, you have the option to enable or disable your website’s public directory. By default, the Enable public directory setting is disabled. If you wish to continue having a public directory, you must enable the new setting at Settings > Contacts > Contact security. It is also recommended that you review the queries defined in the Access queries fields and make updates to these queries as you see necessary. Review the Contact security queries article for more information. |
Choosing the paging location for the Query Menu content item | A new option, Pager location, was added to the Query Menu content item. You can now choose whether the pager should display at the top or bottom of the grid, or both. Choosing the Bottom location provides the best accessibility for assistive technology users. |

JUNE (20.3.47) | |
Vantiv/WorldPay can be used to make single ACH/Direct Debit transactions without AutoPay | Vantiv/WorldPay can be used to make single, non-recurring transactions using ACH/direct debit without AutoPay. In order to use Vantiv/WorldPay you must have a license key. |
Set the status on a committee | You can now select a status for a committee. By default, you can select Active or Inactive. You can define additional status values in a general lookup table. You can discharge a committee by setting its status to Inactive. |
Applying prepayments | Users can use prepayments and overpayments to prepare for an upcoming purchase or registration. |
Finance dashboard | Finance dashboard features include measurements related to total revenue, open invoices, batches, data integrity and other helpful information. |
Redirecting a user based on a set of rules | Redirect rules allow you to send contacts to different locations based on user-defined conditions. Easily define redirect rules from the Redirect rules tab on any content record. |
Modified data contracts |
The following data contracts have been modified:
The endpoint remains the same but several property names have changed. The endpoint remains the same and the properties remain unchanged. |
Registration number and address to use for receipts |
When determining the registration number and address to use for receipts, you must choose to use the first financial entity on the receipt or use the default financial entity. |
Migrating Microsoft Azure Translator Text API V2 to V3 | Microsoft Azure Translator Text API V2 will be discontinued on April 30, 2019. Microsoft Azure Translator Text API V3 is now available. This release includes new features, deprecated methods and a new format for sending and receiving data. For more information, refer to Translator Text API V2 to V3 Migration. You must upgrade iMIS before April 30, 2019 to prevent the Learn and translate using Microsoft® Translator feature from ceasing to function. Note: You must also verify your web.config settings are updated correctly: |
GatewayAccountData and GatewayAccountService | The GatewayAccountData contract has been updated for specific name attributes. |
Itemized cart display | The shopping cart will display itemized items when checking out. There is an option, Allow users to see line item details for items and invoices in the cart, to disable this setting. |
Replacing user-defined (Customizer) tables with v3 panel sources | |
To improve performance for sites with large amounts of data, all user-defined tables (created with iMIS Customizer) have been converted to v3 panel sources that can easily be used with Panel Designer. The tables that were used to store additional information about the Customizer tables (UD_Table, UD_Field, UD_WindowHeader, and UD_WindowFields) have been deleted, as they are no longer used. Additionally, the Name_Indexes table has also been deleted. In addition to converting existing user-defined tables, all newly created tables will adopt the v3 panel-source structure. Existing tables created using the v1 or v2 table structure will remain unchanged and are still fully supported.
Steps to takeThe following steps should be taken before upgrading:Summary of changesThe following is a summary of the v3 panel data source changes: |

AUGUST (20.3.54) | |
Allowing members to renew after their paid-through date has passed | The Invoice Payment Link content item can be configured to display the Renew Now button for all members, including expired members. This allows expired members who have a Paid through date in the past to renew their membership without a staff user running a mass-dues billing. |
Creating standalone panels | Unlike Contact panels, Standalone panels do not associate the table data with a specific contact. These panels are useful for anonymously tracking information, creating a multi-instance form, or adding data to drop-downs between multiple panel properties. |
Adding LEFT JOINs and RIGHT JOINs in the Business Object Designer | You can add LEFT JOINs and RIGHT JOINs when creating a new object in the Business Object Designer. |
RiSE dashboard | The RiSE dashboard includes measurements related to number of queries, business objects, content, and working items. |
Issuing receipts | Staff users can easily issue receipts directly from the staff site. This allows donors to claim their donation for tax purposes. Three new process automation tasks have also been added that will give staff users the ability to issue receipts immediately, once per month or once per day to donors. |
Password expiration task | A process automation task, Passwords expiring in 14 days, will send a communication 14 days before a user's password expires. |
Alerts added to the organization administrator's account page | Two new alerts, Expired organization and Organizations expiring soon, will appear on an organization administrator's account page notifying them that the organization is expired or expiring soon. |
Birthday alert | A new Contact birthday alert, along with a new business object, ContactBirthdayInfo, has been added to both the staff site and member home page. When a user logs in on his/her birthday, the alert will appear telling the contact happy birthday. |
Reactivating iMIS Translation after upgrade | After upgrading, the Translation Mode is set to None and all translation cultures are deactivated. You must reconfigure the Translation Mode to another setting other than None and reactivate any translation cultures that were active before upgrading. See Setting up and enabling iMIS Translation and Activating a version (dictionary) to learn how to reconfigure these settings. |
Using all available panels in the Panel Collection Editor content item | The Use all available panels option in the Panel Collection Editor content item has been removed. After upgrade, any Panel Collection Editor that was using the Use all available panels option must be updated with each individual panel selected. If the Panel Collection Editor is not updated after upgrade, the collection of panels appears with an error that reads, “This dynamic content item is not configured.” |
Panel table sources updated to latest version |
To improve performance for sites with large amounts of data, the v1 and v2 panel sources related to Panel Designer have been converted to v3 panel sources. The version 3 table model differs from versions 1 and 2 in that actual database tables are used to store data as opposed to “virtual” tables. This has the benefit of improved data access performance. The creation and management of these version 3 tables should only be done through Panel Editor. The main change to be aware of is that the converted v3 panel sources each have a dedicated database table. This change is primarily transparent. The business objects are updated to point to the new underlying database table, but IQA queries do continue to work without any necessary changes, and no data is lost during the conversion. After conversion, the following underlying database tables are no longer used and are deleted:
List billing renewals |
After upgrade, you will need to rebill any open cash renewals set up as a list bill from your previous version. The invoices and Renew Now button will not appear on individual's account pages until you have run a rebill. This does not apply to Accrual billing and only applies for a list bill. See Correcting membership renewal billings for more information on how to run a rebill. Verify the Bill date from your original bill run prior to upgrading. |
Post Upgrade Task: Populate GiftTransaction table with historical data to support receipting |
This task will be run after upgrading to iMIS EMS from previous versions in order to support receipting functionality for historical gift data. The task populates the GiftTransaction table with 500,000 records at a time. The task will automatically be enabled after an upgrade and once the process is done, the stored procedure will automatically disable the task. |

SEPTEMBER (20.3.56) | |
3D Secure authentication for card payments | 3D Secure is a fraud-prevention measure that acts as an added layer of security when taking card payments. 3D Secure provides customers an additional secure authentication step before they can complete an online payment, ensuring that customers are using the correct card details to help protect against card-payment fraud. |
iMIS Pay Central payment service | Users can set up DataVault-hosted gateway accounts from the Staff site. The Staff site will offer an iFrame for entering DataVault-hosted gateway credentials. |
Payment Creator provides a DataVault-hosted form for payment information | If a user selects a DataVault-hosted payment method, the Payment Creator content item provides a DataVault-hosted form for the entry of payment information. The DataVault-hosted form returns a token. |
Permitting donors to give without logging in | The communication creator was enhanced with a donation-link generator that permits the donor to skip the sign-in process. The link is tokenized, meaning the donor is identified and is not required to fill in their contact information. When the gift is processed, it is associated with the appropriate contact. |
Indexing panel properties | Panel source properties can now be indexed. The new option, Index this property for improved query performance, increases the speed of lookups and reports. This option is intended for ID properties, such as codes in reference tables, aggregated fields in reports, or fields used in lookups. |
Invoice Detail report modification | The Invoice Detail report now uses the OriginalInvoiceAmount column rather than InvoiceAmount column in the SSRS report. If you made any modifications to the out-of-the-box Invoice Detail report prior to this upgrade, your report must be updated to use the OrginialInvoiceAmount column in the report details. |
Tagged list formats | Before using existing tagged list formats, make sure the name contains only valid characters, such as letters, numbers, and underscores. Rename any invalid tagged list format names. |

OCTOBER (20.3.59) | |
Ability to report on multi-select panel properties | A new business object, DistinctUserDefinedMultiSelectProperties, allows you to report on panel properties that allow multiple values. |
CSC Required for web transactions | The option CSC Required for web transactions is no longer available for gateways that are hosted through DataVault. The CSC is required by default. |

NOVEMBER (20.3.60) | |
Gender reference table | A new general lookup table, Gender, was added. Male and Female will be options out-of-the-box, but you can add new options to be available to users. |

DECEMBER (20.3.61) | |
Restrict the ability of public users to select a product and add the product to a cart | The option Only staff can purchase has been added for products. When this option is enabled, public users can view a product but they cannot add the product to their cart. |
Copy address to clipboard | An option has been added to the Contact Address Editor content item to allow a Copy address to clipboard button to be displayed. When users click the Copy address to clipboard button, the address information is copied to a clipboard. |
Creating flexible membership terms | Your organization can offer multiple membership terms to existing and prospective members rather than offering one system-configured default membership term length. Your organization can create different membership-term products with different membership term lengths. |
Function and stored procedure changes and deletions |
To conform to ANSI and SQL best practices, the "fn_" and "sp_" prefixes were dropped from functions and stored procedures. Additionally, for any function or stored procedure that was missing the "asi_" prefix, a new version was created that has the "asi_" prefix. If you have a third-party integration utilizing any of the updated functions and stored procedures, you must update the integration to use the new name. The following name changes were made:
The following deletions were made: